Thursday, October 12, 2006

Busy Days of Autumn

Is it really Autumn? I guess it is officially but we have only had a few days to tease us into thinking it is fall. I am patiently awaiting consistently cool breezes flowing through our hair. I know it is coming but it is so hard to be patient. I want to start wearing my hoodies, long sleeves, and jeans!!!!

I have been busy these days with working part-time, cheering my boys in football, and running.
The rest of my activities fill in the spaces: Beth Moore Bible Study on David ( really awesome), keeping L ( my 6th grader) on task with school and homework, watching all the new shows (thank goodness for DVR), keeping my house clean, and keeping my family alive (feeding them).

So, all of the above has taken me away from blogging - but I shall return periodically.

I so wanted to take a picture of this absolutely beautifully very large spider web in between two large trees in our backyard. I need to go take a photography class (and get a new digital camera) so I can share all these interesting occurances that take place in my back yard.

Anyway, let me know if the real Autumn comes your way. I would love to hear about it.


TMK said...

it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow (Fri)here in San Antonio. But then Sunday, back in the 80's. I have a sunburn from Monday :), ahh! Life in Texas. how's the tri-training?

Hugh said...

Thanks for your prayers.


Renee said...

It's surely Autumn here in Pa.!! Brrr