I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday - we did!
I couldn't ask for more: Celebrating Jesus; lots of quality time spent with my husband, boys, friends, and family; much needed rest and relaxation ( maybe too much - I will explain); lots of presents from Santa Baby ( I got a new camera- yahoo); lot's of good food (too much of course); and fun, fun, fun. But just like any really good story comes the conflict, right?
I think I have injured my leg. The new year has started today and I'm not sure running a marathon is on the calendar this year. I am really hoping it is all my imagination, all the leg pain that is, and everything is going to be fine. I hope to schedule a little visit to the wise doctor this week to give me the verdict. My leg feels great as I am sitting here typing, even most of the time walking, but running- forget it.
My mind tells me I'm just being a wimp and I'm not tough enough but my heart tells me something is wrong.
We shall see!
Please pray for healing, for my leg and my heart.