Saturday, April 30, 2005

This is your life........

There is a song that is played on my son's favorite radio station. I am not sure of the name or the artist, but the chorus goes like this:

This is your life
Are you who you want to be?
This is your life
Is it everything you dreamed that it would be?

I am inspired when I hear this song. It makes me want to dream bigger and accomplish more in my life. But I also think about the first forty years ....... Is it everything I dreamed that it would be?

And every single time I hear the song my answer is a big .......


Again, I feel so incredibly blessed that God has taken small, average, sinful me and made my life what it is today! All the mistakes from the past, all the should'ves and would'ves, all the roads not taken - God turned them into lessons learned, awesome life experiences, and incredible journeys! Yes, there are many people I have yet to meet, places I need to explore, relationships to nurture, lot's more laughter and tears,and many dreams to dream and accomplish! All happening while I am striving to following God's will for my life!

And am I who I want to be?

I am striving to live my life following and listening to Jesus! Sometimes it is an hourly challenge for me. Unfortunately, I mess up on a daily basis. I know I have a long road left - forty or more years to grow in the Lord or maybe less. I definitely am not exactly who I want to be, but I am okay with that.

So, do I feel like an old woman today? Am I depressed and sorrowful about being "over the hill"?


I feel alive, energetic, excited about the next half of my life, very loved, blessed beyond belief (of course), joyful, at peace with life, and quite sexy! Don't get me wrong, I said I feel sexy, not necessarily look sexy). One thing I have learned lately is the great advantage of Victoria Sectrets and push up bras! If your chest hasn't gotten droopy yet, you just can't relate! That reminds me of the joy of the child bearing and breast feeding years! Ahh the memories.....

So, my advice to you today which is a title of another song on the radio: Live like you are dying! Don't waste a day to listen to Jesus speaking to your heart, love and cherish your family, and dream big ,spending each day trying to make them come true. If you are not rejoicing each morning as you wake up and at peace as you lay your head on your pillow - do something about it! Now! Make this day count!

It is amazing how a ring at your door bell can change your whole outlook on life. My next door neighbor came over this afternoon and when she left I was in tears. I will tell you about it next week, in the mean time please pray for my neighbors Bill and Diane. And I can't wait to tell you about all my birthday surprises!

Is your life everything you dreamed it would be?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Almost hit the big 1000!

Hectic week here for me! I haven't had much time to blog or think for that matter. I wanted to celebrate the fact that my read meter is at 999. I think it will turn today! Probably not that big a deal but I thought it was worth blogging about today!

I am off to see my son run in a school track meet. He is pumped a ready to win some blue ribbons. I told him to do his best just like a good mom would. (shhhhh, I hope he wins at least one blue ribbon) And then I am going to my tri training class. Today is spin class! Don't get me started on spin! It is not my favorite, at all. Have any of y'all tried spin class? Do you like it? It's definitely is a great workout!

Tomorrow I will be relaxing at the spa! I can't wait! I will definitely blog about my spa experience!

I think in honor of getting through the month of April all of you should take some time for yourself tomorrow, or the weekend!

Let me know what you think..........

Monday, April 25, 2005

Paranoia, Will Destroy Ya!

I am losing my mind! Paranoia has gotten to me! Do you know what the definition of paranoia is? A mental disease with delusions of fame, grandeur,persecution. Well, let me explain......

As I have informed you, my 40th birthday is on Saturday! It's bad enough that this day is fast approaching, but for some reason I keep reminding you and others of this dreaded event! It has invaded my mind! When my husband turned forty last year I successfully pulled off a surprise party complete with black balloons, a black over the hill cemetery cake, black over the hill streamers, black confetti, and an assortment of over the hill paraphernalia! It was great! And, I have also told you about my goal in life to give everyone who has turned forty before me hell(to put it bluntly)! Therefore, I am paranoid!

This weekend a few small incidents took place that has clouded my mind. First of all, my mother called and wanted to know my husband office address. At first I didn't think much about it. Then at church yesterday, my friend April , whose daughter is in my Sunday School class, told me that they were going to come up to the class and take a picture for her daughters Social Studies class project. Okay, no big deal. When her husband came up to take the picture, he wanted me right in the middle of it! I thought it was a little strange! Last night I heard my husband open the door to the garage. I thought he went outside and I never heard him come back in. I thought it very strange that he was outside at 9:00 pm at night. It turns out he just was checking to make sure the garage door was closed and he was actually in the front office the whole time. The paranoia has taken control over me! When I asked my family and April what they have been up to, they all looked at me like I am crazed!


A couple weeks ago after a baseball game, a few of my friends gave me a gift. It was from my husband (who was out of town at the time) and my three friends. He gave me a day at the spa and they were going to accompany me. They gave me the gift early because we had to schedule all of our treatments ahead of time. So, at that point I thought, "This is my 40th birthday gift!" No surprise birthday parties, no mean over the hill balloons or cakes, no posting really bad pictures of me from my younger days, no paranoia! Whew! I thought I could relax at that point. I can't relax! Could that be it? Am I making all this up in my head or are they planning a vicious scheme to pay me back for all of those false teeth and prune eating comments.

Well, on Friday I will spend a relaxing day at the spa! By then I going to be so tense and mentally diseased that I will need every bit of pampering they have to offer! Hopefully on Saturday I will be able to enjoy a nice pleasant birthday without any surprises!

Do you think they are going to let me off the hook that easy?

Friday, April 22, 2005

It's gone

I was feeling quite witty late yesterday afternoon and started writing my post for tomorrow! I was in one of those really good blogging moods. I was very pleased with my post! I wrote almost the entire thing, about four paragraphs and went down to the bottom of the page and pressed: Save as Draft!

POOF! It was gone!!!! Gone forever!!!

And then I thought, "I can get it back with the new and improved Recover Post feature!

Nope! It was gone!

Well, you missed out on my "The Domestic Side of Me" post!

Maybe it will come back another day!

I told my husband about this incident and his reply was:

" You have a domestic side?"

It is really quite humorous, expecially if you had read my post!


My 40th birthday is in exactly nine days. Because I have made it a goal in my life to harrass all my friends that have turned 40 before me, I am now getting paid back. My great friend Kim has already been sending me reminder cards about how old I am going to be. Yesterday I received a cute card with a ugly, but cute dog dressed as a chef on the cover. It reads, "If you can't stand the heat......" And the inside says: "...don't light the candles!" And she wrote, "You better inform your local fire department for April 30th!"

Ha! Ha! Ha! I am laughing! It is very funny!

Hope you all have a laughter filled day!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

My roses are crying

It's a little late. I have had these rose bushes for nine years. In April and May they always look mediocre. After that it is down hill fast. I would like to leave this house next month with beautiful roses. I have always had good intentions of learning how to develop breathtaking rose bushes, but I have procrastinated and now our relationship is almost over! I could compare that example to real life relationships or some other insightful thoughts but....... the purpose of this post is to say.....

Is there anyone out there that can help me with my roses? What do I do after they bloom? I am ignorant. At least I might learn something that I can use to improve my green thumb for our next home!


My roses now..... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Home Sweet Home!

When we happily relocated to Central Texas from the Panhandle of Texas it was very, very exciting! We had three days to find a home. We searched in the heat and humidity for the place God wanted us to plant our roots. On the third day we found THE house, our home! The whole event was bathed in much prayer and we knew we had found exactly God's place for us. I felt completely at home the moment we arrived! My love for this place is the same now as it was way back when, although we have added character and many fond memories. I can't believe nine years has flown away so rapidly! Where did the years disappear to? My mind travels back over the time......

When we began our adventure here K was four years old and L was a baby. Over the years the boys room has slowly transformed from a bright colored babies room with plug protectors to a kids sports room crowded with trophies and video games. The crib was the first to go, then the Little Tyke toddler toys slowly dissappeared. The day of the big baby garage sale arrived. All the baby toys, cute little outfits, and precious furniture was going to be sold that day. I remember the night before I sat in the floor and sobbed. I just couldn't do it. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to that era of my life. I decided to keep even more of the boys priceless outfits and the crib and highchair have lived happily in the attic for the last several years gathering dust. Last year I finally parted with the highchair, but the crib remained unmoved . I think instead of transferring it to storage, it is time to let go. Why is it so hard?

I can't find the many years that have flown by in this house. I can hardly remember L sitting in the highchair at our breakfast table. I don't recall waking up K for his first day of Kindergarten. I think it is time for me to finally sit down and record all these memories in the scrapbooks I have put back for the boys. It is long overdue.

Last week I found myself crying continuously all day because of the reality of leaving our home! Do you have those days you don't even bother putting on mascara? Not knowing where we will be relocating for the next four month or so. It's not the house that I will miss! It's the fear of forgetting more of the precious memories of our lives that were lived here. The fear of growing older. The fear of facing the day when my boys will leave and lead their own lives. I want time to slow down! I look at the boys sleeping in their beds. K is a young man now. L is losing that baby face! Stop! Just for a moment! Stop!

I thought I would be able to write this post easier today, but my face it wet with tears. I am excited about the future and the new adventures that God has waiting for us! The next chapter of our lives is just beginning! God is Good and He has Great things in store for us! I have no doubt! But, I will go through more tissues and tears before we actually leave. After loading everything up, I will look at the empty house one last time and say goodbye to those precious days that God gave us in this place. I will slowly step out of the door and confidently pursuit the route God has paved for us! I pray that I will!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Babe!

Today is my husband's birthday! I hope today is a great day!

Unfortunately, some very tragic events have happened on this day in history!

"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Fortunately, my husband was born on this day!

I love you, Babe. (No, I didn't forget your name-Ha!)

Happy Birthday!

P.S. If anyone out there wants to train for a sprint triathlon with me- go to my other blog to see the first week training schedule!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Recovering from the weekend!

Weekends around my house are never restful. We spent the majority of ours at the baseball fields in Dripping Springs, a small central Texas town. My husband coaches my son L's baseball team. The team has been very successful this year! The Jammers have played in five tournaments this season. They have placed first place in two tournaments, second in another, and this weekend they received a nice third place plaque ( all shown below). The majority of the boys on L's team have played together since they were four years old. It's a great team of boys and parents. We all get along wonderfully and have a blast together. God has blessed all of us , even my older son, with some special, long-lasting friendships!

I never dreamed that my life as a mom would revolve around sports! I guess I had a feeling I would raise boys. Once when I was a teenager, I saw a mom with four boys walking into the grocery store. I said to my friend, "That is going to be me one of these days". So, here I am- raising totally sports obsessed boys. (Now you know why I stopped at two.) Guess where they get it from? Not me! When my son K was a very small toddler he watched Barney on television and hummed "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family" (The Barney Theme song). When K was a little older he graduated to ESPN and it changed to "Take me out to the ball game, Take me out to the crowd". To this day, the sports channel is on every morning. It is scary how much sports trivia has soaked into my brain over the years. More knowledge than soaked in during my college days.

I don't think I would have it any other way! I love the cheer of the crowd, the crack of the bat, and the sparkle in my boys eyes when they are up to bat, behind the plate, or pitching a fast ball! It is in my blood now!

This morning we all struggled to get out of bed! Kevin is home from work today to recover. They always close the office one day after tax season. Tomorrow we will celebrate his birthday! Everybody tell K-my husband "Happy Birthday" tomorrow! Thanks to TAKS testing, no baseball until Wednesday. We will rest for a whole two days of the week so we can play ball again this weekend in Georgetown!

Play Ball!!!!

Share your weekend with me........

L's newest trophies! Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Don't be shy!

I thought it was interesting that thirty people came by for a visit on Wednesday and only two people said hello!

Yesterday fifteen visitors - one hello!

Just wondering who you are!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Two More Days!

We are almost there...... two more days........we almost made it through another one........ hallelujah!!!!

Tax Season #17 is almost behind us!!!!!

I wonder if my husband is going to do our tax return on Friday or put in an extension? I really love not having to worry about it! I have never had to do my own tax return- nice, huh?

Do you get yours done in January or do you wait until the very last night to finish? Depends on if you are getting a refund or having to pay, right?

Happy April 15th!

Celebration in my house this weekend... and baseball, of course!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

It escapes sometimes!

Way deep down inside me is a place where I keep it. It doesn't take up a huge amount of space. Thankfully, it rarely escapes, mainly because God's grace,forgiveness, and peace! But every so rare often it rises up and screams from within me with a deep soulful groan and tears. Since I have began blogging, I have wanted to express some of it, but it hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be. I tried to write a poem about it- I just sobbed. God knows it all and that is so good! He loves me and has totally forgotten my sin and replaced it with life.

All of a sudden this song appeared. It's called "In My Daughters Eyes". I have listened to the words of the song two times. Both time I balled like a baby! Have you heard the song? It's by Martina McBride. It is a beautiful song about a mother and her daughter. I don't have a daughter. I am at peace with not having a daughter, but I guess I will always have that part of my heart that longs for a daughter! The song wells up so much emotion inside of me and I am not really sure why.

It goes like this:

In my daughters eyes
I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I want to be
In my daughters eyes

In my daughters eyes
Everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me
Gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughters eyes

When she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh, it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hanging on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daughters eyes

In my daughters eyes
I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
And though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you will see how happy she made me
I'll be there
In my daughters eyes

I think part of the reason this song stirs up so emotion in me is because I am a mother.
I just replace the daughter with son and the she with he!

I hope you enjoy the words to this song, but you have to hear the melody!

It is sooooo beautiful!

So, I guess everytime I hear this song it will escape!

Monday, April 11, 2005

All I can say is...... WOW!

I am going to start posting all my prayer requests! Y'all are impressive! Y'all are prayer warriors! And God has answered our prayer!

The sign went in the yard Monday. Friday we had our first lookers. Friday night we had a full price offer with a contingency to sell their house! WOW! I am in shock! And the man is a Methodist Minister! WOW, again!

So.... I guess we will wait and see if their house sells, but they really love our house! Wow, Wow, Wow!

We have to find somewhere to live!

God is Good!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ta Daaaaa! After picture! ( Shhhh - don't tell anyone that the painter actually stained the door, but I put the shiny top coat on! ) Can you tell a difference? Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A new weight loss plan!

I haven't been around the blogosphere much lately (and I miss everyone). My life has been hectic to put it mildly. As you know I have been frantically getting my house ready to sell for the last couple months. Painting this, caulking that, planting flowers, refinishing doors (I will post a picture very soon of my new and improved door), repairing this, replacing that- you name it and I have done it. K has helped a little here and there when time away from tax season (only 11 more days-yea!!!) and the baseball field will allow.

Well, the sign went up yesterday. My house is clean and straightened! It looks pretty dang good (if I might say so myself)! I would buy this house again!!!! I have threatened the boys and given them strict "keeping the house clean" instructions. Their motivation: their own rooms in a new house!

Yes, we are building a new and improved home! We are all very excited! But with all the excitement comes a lot of decision making. By the way, have I told y'all that I am terrible at making decisions? My husband has a whole speech on that subject. The last couple of weeks have also been spent deciding floors, paint, brick, and electrical outlets for our new home and stay within a budget (no fun). My wonderful, fabulous, extremely talented, best friend and favorite decorator Kim flew here last week to help me! She is a decorating angel sent from heaven above! So...........things went wonderful and stress free! THANK YOU, KIM! YOU ARE THE BEST!

In the process of getting my house ready to sell and keeping it clean, I have lost about five pounds! If you want to lose weight, put your house on the market! It works for me!

If you could say a little prayer that our house will sell, I would greatly appreciate it!

Have a blessed day, everyone!!!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Our friend Ray, Me, and my husband Kevin after we ran the Capital 10,000 (10K) in Austin! We had a blast!!!!! Posted by Hello