Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A new weight loss plan!

I haven't been around the blogosphere much lately (and I miss everyone). My life has been hectic to put it mildly. As you know I have been frantically getting my house ready to sell for the last couple months. Painting this, caulking that, planting flowers, refinishing doors (I will post a picture very soon of my new and improved door), repairing this, replacing that- you name it and I have done it. K has helped a little here and there when time away from tax season (only 11 more days-yea!!!) and the baseball field will allow.

Well, the sign went up yesterday. My house is clean and straightened! It looks pretty dang good (if I might say so myself)! I would buy this house again!!!! I have threatened the boys and given them strict "keeping the house clean" instructions. Their motivation: their own rooms in a new house!

Yes, we are building a new and improved home! We are all very excited! But with all the excitement comes a lot of decision making. By the way, have I told y'all that I am terrible at making decisions? My husband has a whole speech on that subject. The last couple of weeks have also been spent deciding floors, paint, brick, and electrical outlets for our new home and stay within a budget (no fun). My wonderful, fabulous, extremely talented, best friend and favorite decorator Kim flew here last week to help me! She is a decorating angel sent from heaven above! So...........things went wonderful and stress free! THANK YOU, KIM! YOU ARE THE BEST!

In the process of getting my house ready to sell and keeping it clean, I have lost about five pounds! If you want to lose weight, put your house on the market! It works for me!

If you could say a little prayer that our house will sell, I would greatly appreciate it!

Have a blessed day, everyone!!!!!


Cindy Swanson said...

Peg, you and are in the same boat...except we are already in our new house, getting our old house ready to sell, and for the moment paying two house payments!--eeesh!!!

Peg said...

I will be praying that you sell your other house!!!!!!!!!!

jettybetty said...

When will your new house be finished? Well, I don't want to sell my house, so I suppose I will not be loosing 5 pounds. I keep waiting for the magic pill.
I do pray your house sells soon!

Saija said...

hmmmmm, we are contemplating the house on the market thing ... we love our cottage here on the water, but Leo's health isn't the best anymore for keeping those odds 'n ends done ... we're still in the "wait and see what happens phase" ... but dang, 5 pounds? ya, i could go for 5 pounds? actually muscle tone is what i need ... i guess that requires work too, eh? another hmmmm

"Lord we pray for a buyer for Peg's house ... thank you ... in Jesus name"...amen.

Lori Seaborg said...

A prayer from the Gulf Coast just went up for you! We are also getting a house ready to sell. It's not the one we live in now, but is 50 miles away, so the fixing-up is a real pain to do. I hope yours sells quickly!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new house, and I pray that your current house sells quickly. They always say the buyer comes on a bad day for you... I remember the people who bought our second house from us gave us a five-minute warning from our driveway! The house was fairly clean, but with an 18-month-old at the time, that was the most hectic 5 minutes I've ever spent! The buyers for our third house came by while hubby was keeping the boys for me while I was taking a Jeopardy! test. I think one of the boys was down for a nap so he couldn't leave.

I hope to be able to get out of this apartment soon and be back into a house of our own again. I hate apartment life. I miss having a real kitchen and a backyard for the boys to play in. I also miss the peace and quiet of a neighborhood.


Peg said...

Thank you for all your wonderful prayers!!!!!! We hope our new house will be finished in September or October so we have plenty of time to sell this one!!! I hope!!!
Ashley- I loved hearing your house selling stories!
Saija- I will pray the God will guide you in decision making
Lori- What a challenge that will be!

daisymarie said...

i'll be praying for the family who is looking for your house...may you connect soon!