Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Evil Toylet

As you know I have been cleaning out every nook and cranny in my house. My husband came across several boxes that I had under our bed. Okay, I am a pack rat! I am confessing it to all of you. I have a very hard time throwing things away. It drives him nuts! Anyway, the boxes housed all of Keegan and Logan's school papers from the last three years that I thought were worthy of keeping. As I was going through them I came across one of Logan's writings from second grade, two years ago. I thought I would share it with you (exactly as it is):

The Evil Toylet
One day Andrew and I saw my mom cleaning the toylet. After she got out Andrew and I went to the toylet. A blue and orange man grabbed us. We trayed to get away but he flushed us down the toylet. They locked us in the tunle of doom. Walker and Grayson came to my house and Grayson had to go to the rest room he got flush down to. he got thrown in the tunle of doom with us. Walker was waiting in the Living room and setting on the coch watching yu gioh on my big screen. And looking at my yu gioh cards. Walker was setting for one hour he went and did not see Grayson. And checked my whole house and did not find Grayson. The last room was the restroom. He opened the door and sudley 5 nenjus flew out of the room.
Forget doing spell check on this post!
I hope your day finds you clear of the "tunly of doom"!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Thanks for the giggle!