As the Thanksgiving weekend come to an end, I wanted to share the incredible blessings that God has bestowed upon me within the last week or so. They are a gifts from God..... they are indescribable because that is how God is.... and yes, I am thankful!
Singing Casting Crown songs with Keegan, my older son, in the car.
A big hug from Logan, my younger son. (Even though his dad made him do it)
Spending the whole day shopping with my running partner and friend, April .
Planning a weekend getaway with my husband.
Making microwave smores with Logan, my younger son, and eating them together on our chair (and a half) while watching Gilmore girls.
Listening to my church body describe all the things God has done for them.
Laughing with and at my family at the dinner table.
And sharing an awesome Thanksgiving adventure with the men in my life:
Running in the first annual Kinder Turkey Trot, playing hoops, eating crab legs and turkey, experiencing an exciting treasure hunt, and waking up at the crack of dawn the next day!
I am almost 40 years old and I am just now learning to treat each day as an adventure in life! Whether it be spending the day at home with my sons or obeying God when He tells me to get out of my comfort zone - I plan on making the most of each day God gives me!
Every day is an exciting adventure with my three boys!
Just me... Just another day.... with thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, blessed and ready to share my heart!
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Life is Good!
I am sitting at my computer in my flannel pajamas and a sweatshirt. It is really cold outside. I can hear the wind blowing. I love the cold ~ hate the wind. I have been sitting at my computer for about an hour or so blogging and drinking coffee. Coffee is good! I hear my son singing "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns in his room. He sings with all his heart! Then I hear my nine year old say "Mom, I am hungry". Of course he is, it is almost 10:00. He is watching Sports Center in the infamous chair (and a half). I asked him what he wants for breakfast. I thought I heard him yell "ice cream". It was my imagination. I asked him if he knows how to get his own cereal. "No!", he honestly replies. I have failed as a mother. He is nine years old, an intelligent fourth grader, knows how to navigate the game cube, takes a shower on his own, and can memorize a football or basketball play in a split second, but he can't get his own cereal! He said, "I can get the bowl." Well, okay! He can get the bowl.
I don't know when I will get dressed. We don't have much to do today. I think it will be a day of watching movies, baking cookies, and just enjoying the warmth of my home with my children. Life is good............
I don't know when I will get dressed. We don't have much to do today. I think it will be a day of watching movies, baking cookies, and just enjoying the warmth of my home with my children. Life is good............
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Please excuse the mess.....this blog is under construction.
I am trying to figure out how to post pictures on my blog. As you can see I have posted two pictures successfully. I can't figure out how to place the pictures where I want them. I am working on a post about Logan- so when it comes you can look at the picture before and after you read it unless I figure out how to move it. If anyone has any advice for me on this subject, I would appreciate it. Anyway, look forward to "He is all boy" coming soon......... a picture speaks louder than words, doesn't it?
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Amazing Race is back.......
There are only certain times in our hectic lives when all four of my family, my sons Keegan (12) and Logan (9), and my husband Kevin and I hang out together in our living room in front of the big screen. Some of those times in the past have been watching CSI, except those are rare because we are usually at baseball, football, or basketball practice. Other times have been to watch "The World Series", "The SuperBowl", or watching UT play anyone in football. Do you see the pattern here? My world revolves around sports. Yes, I like watching some of that sports stuff..... it has grown on me over the years. That quite possibly will be the title of a future blog post.
But...... Tuesday night the family gathered around the tube to watch the first episode of the new Amazing Race 6. Yes, we watch reality television ,we admit it, and we are addicted to it. Actually, Keegan is the ring leader. Keegan loves Amazing Race and he has brought us all down with him. It isn't a bad show, but I don't think being addicted to a reality tv show is something to be proud of.
We were excited to learn about all the new teams last night. Just a review.... Avi and Joe who the boys nicknamed "the geeks" were eliminated last night. After the boys called them that, I went into the speech that God created everyone special and we need to be nice to "geeks". We all agreed that Jonathan and Victoria , especially Jonathan is going to irritate us and we hope he gets eliminated fast. Lori and Bolo should be very humorous to watch. Logan has nicknamed Bolo, the "Big Guy". Lori and Bolo are both wrestlers. We all felt uncomfortable that the word "ass" was used way too much. Therefore, I gave my speech that there is no reason to use bad words. I am not that thrilled about any of the teams, but I am sure they will grow on me.
For the next however many weeks, Keegan will be discussing the show on a regular basis and telling us his theories on who will be eliminated next. He dreams of the day when he will be old enough to be on the show. He actually suggested that Logan could be his partner. That in itself is pretty "amazing" considering they fight quite often.
I will keep you posted, or maybe you would like to check it out for yourself on Tuesdays at 9 pm. You know where we will be on Tuesday nights!
But...... Tuesday night the family gathered around the tube to watch the first episode of the new Amazing Race 6. Yes, we watch reality television ,we admit it, and we are addicted to it. Actually, Keegan is the ring leader. Keegan loves Amazing Race and he has brought us all down with him. It isn't a bad show, but I don't think being addicted to a reality tv show is something to be proud of.
We were excited to learn about all the new teams last night. Just a review.... Avi and Joe who the boys nicknamed "the geeks" were eliminated last night. After the boys called them that, I went into the speech that God created everyone special and we need to be nice to "geeks". We all agreed that Jonathan and Victoria , especially Jonathan is going to irritate us and we hope he gets eliminated fast. Lori and Bolo should be very humorous to watch. Logan has nicknamed Bolo, the "Big Guy". Lori and Bolo are both wrestlers. We all felt uncomfortable that the word "ass" was used way too much. Therefore, I gave my speech that there is no reason to use bad words. I am not that thrilled about any of the teams, but I am sure they will grow on me.
For the next however many weeks, Keegan will be discussing the show on a regular basis and telling us his theories on who will be eliminated next. He dreams of the day when he will be old enough to be on the show. He actually suggested that Logan could be his partner. That in itself is pretty "amazing" considering they fight quite often.
I will keep you posted, or maybe you would like to check it out for yourself on Tuesdays at 9 pm. You know where we will be on Tuesday nights!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Running The Race.....
I hear the sound of my feet hit the path. A soft cool breeze is blowing on my face. I prance down the winding path controlling my breath. I feel strong and energized. I start to feel the warm adrenaline flowing through my body. I am free and confident. The path is breathtaking. Tall trees frame the way. Off in the distance water rushes through the creek. God's creation is surrounding me. The sight calms my soul. All is well.
Others are running their race. I try not to be distracted by them. I must focus on my goal. I am my own distraction. I am feeling good, the adrenaline increases and I want to go faster. I must use my energy wisely, there are many more miles ahead. The seconds tick rapidly. I have completed the first mark.
I reach the halfway point, I check my watch. I am doing great, but my chest is getting heavier. I relax and inhale oxygen through my mouth. Drops of sweat are dripping down my face. I feel a twinge of pain in my right leg. It is bearable. I focus on the horizon instead of my feet on the path. I observe the runners ahead of me. I examine their pace, their shape, their being. It takes my mind off the road and my anxiety. My mind wanders. I think about my life. I thank God for the ability to run. I ask Him for the strength to carry on. I wonder where I would be if I had chosen a different path. I ponder on what the future holds. I praise God for the place I am now. I continue the race, accepting the challenges ahead.
The last stretch is long but I know the end is near. I want to give every ounce of myself. My head is getting light. I feel dizzy. Pain is flowing through my muscles. Relax! My mind says slow down! Voices are telling me to stop, rest, give up! My heart argues that it is almost over. I will not give up now! The clock is pulsing faster and faster, but I feel like I am in slow motion. I can see the finish line. Finally, the end is near. My legs rotate , moving like a machine. My arms are pushing against the thick air. My feet pound on the gravel. I start to hear the cheers ahead. Then I see my three boys smiling at me. "Go, Mom,Go..... You can do it!" "Mom, you are almost there!" "Peg... You are doing great!" The finish line is just ahead. I push my whole being through the line.
My heart beats rapidly. I am gasping for air. I keep walking so I don't collapse. I did it! I think my time was good. I'm confident that I met my goal. It doesn't matter, I did my very best. I didn't give up. I slowed down at times but I made up for it at the end. I fought the good fight. A sense of pleasure and joy fills my soul. I am fulfilled. I feel alive! I won this race. All is well.
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run is such a way as to get the prize." 1 Corinthians 9:24
Others are running their race. I try not to be distracted by them. I must focus on my goal. I am my own distraction. I am feeling good, the adrenaline increases and I want to go faster. I must use my energy wisely, there are many more miles ahead. The seconds tick rapidly. I have completed the first mark.
I reach the halfway point, I check my watch. I am doing great, but my chest is getting heavier. I relax and inhale oxygen through my mouth. Drops of sweat are dripping down my face. I feel a twinge of pain in my right leg. It is bearable. I focus on the horizon instead of my feet on the path. I observe the runners ahead of me. I examine their pace, their shape, their being. It takes my mind off the road and my anxiety. My mind wanders. I think about my life. I thank God for the ability to run. I ask Him for the strength to carry on. I wonder where I would be if I had chosen a different path. I ponder on what the future holds. I praise God for the place I am now. I continue the race, accepting the challenges ahead.
The last stretch is long but I know the end is near. I want to give every ounce of myself. My head is getting light. I feel dizzy. Pain is flowing through my muscles. Relax! My mind says slow down! Voices are telling me to stop, rest, give up! My heart argues that it is almost over. I will not give up now! The clock is pulsing faster and faster, but I feel like I am in slow motion. I can see the finish line. Finally, the end is near. My legs rotate , moving like a machine. My arms are pushing against the thick air. My feet pound on the gravel. I start to hear the cheers ahead. Then I see my three boys smiling at me. "Go, Mom,Go..... You can do it!" "Mom, you are almost there!" "Peg... You are doing great!" The finish line is just ahead. I push my whole being through the line.
My heart beats rapidly. I am gasping for air. I keep walking so I don't collapse. I did it! I think my time was good. I'm confident that I met my goal. It doesn't matter, I did my very best. I didn't give up. I slowed down at times but I made up for it at the end. I fought the good fight. A sense of pleasure and joy fills my soul. I am fulfilled. I feel alive! I won this race. All is well.
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run is such a way as to get the prize." 1 Corinthians 9:24
Sunday, November 14, 2004
An active REM cycle!
My subconscious has been busy while I am sleeping. I have always been a dreamer, but recently my REM cycle has been very intense. About a month ago, I woke myself up screaming because a big dog with sharp teeth was attacking me. Then the other night I dreamt that I dove in a body of water. Instead of popping up out of the water, I kept trying but I couldn't reach the surface. Then last night.............
I dreamt I was in my parents backyard and they had three big beautiful fruit trees. One bore shiny red apples, one shiny green apples, and the last had big gorgeous peaches. There was also a swimming pool. I wanted to go for a swim but there was a storm with lightning in the distance.
Instead , I decided to pick fruit from the trees.
I started to pick the apples from the tree but I couldn't reach them. I walked out with several pieces of fruit(about three) in my arms to get a ladder. As I walked out of the gate I saw three men dressed in Halloween costumes working in the street. About the same time three big monkeys were coming my direction. One monkey came up to me in my face and opened his mouth to attack me. He had feces on his mouth. I screamed and woke up my husband and myself.
I am laughing while I am writing this because at 5 am in the morning I was telling my husband a monkey with poop on his mouth was attacking me. We were laughing hysterically! Then I told him the rest of the dream. We were in tears from laughter for about ten minutes. We laughed about it all day.
So why am I sharing this with you? My husband said this is probably something I shouldn't tell anyone about. Then later he told me I should write about this in my blog. What's up with that?
I am so curious about the subconscious and dreams. I have always been interested in analyzing my dreams. I have had some real doozies over the years.
My plan is to find an interesting book and do some dream research. If anyone has any suggestion, that would be quite helpful. Maybe some of you are expert dream interpreters? Maybe some of you have had monkey dreams like mine? Dreams with a recurring set of three items? Dreams where animals are attacking you? Maybe you would like to share some of your dreams with me?
When I learn something...... I will update you! I hope to learn some insightful information about myself.
I dreamt I was in my parents backyard and they had three big beautiful fruit trees. One bore shiny red apples, one shiny green apples, and the last had big gorgeous peaches. There was also a swimming pool. I wanted to go for a swim but there was a storm with lightning in the distance.
Instead , I decided to pick fruit from the trees.
I started to pick the apples from the tree but I couldn't reach them. I walked out with several pieces of fruit(about three) in my arms to get a ladder. As I walked out of the gate I saw three men dressed in Halloween costumes working in the street. About the same time three big monkeys were coming my direction. One monkey came up to me in my face and opened his mouth to attack me. He had feces on his mouth. I screamed and woke up my husband and myself.
I am laughing while I am writing this because at 5 am in the morning I was telling my husband a monkey with poop on his mouth was attacking me. We were laughing hysterically! Then I told him the rest of the dream. We were in tears from laughter for about ten minutes. We laughed about it all day.
So why am I sharing this with you? My husband said this is probably something I shouldn't tell anyone about. Then later he told me I should write about this in my blog. What's up with that?
I am so curious about the subconscious and dreams. I have always been interested in analyzing my dreams. I have had some real doozies over the years.
My plan is to find an interesting book and do some dream research. If anyone has any suggestion, that would be quite helpful. Maybe some of you are expert dream interpreters? Maybe some of you have had monkey dreams like mine? Dreams with a recurring set of three items? Dreams where animals are attacking you? Maybe you would like to share some of your dreams with me?
When I learn something...... I will update you! I hope to learn some insightful information about myself.
Monday, November 08, 2004
A Wild Weekend!
What a weekend! I drove to Dallas on Friday to visit some friends. I don't get away from my family on my own very often. It was a small adventure for me, taking off to the bigger city in my Odyssey, on my own!
The original plan was to see Barry Manilow in concert!!!!!! Sounds exciting, doesn't it? My college roommate Cheryl and I used to lay our heads down to sleep as we listened to Barry's beautiful love songs! On occasion I think we would sing aloud to them as well. There is a special place in our hearts for Barry! Well, Cheryl informed me on Friday that Barry's concert was cancelled because he has bronchitis! We were heartbroken, but we weren't going to let him take away from our girls weekend!
Cheryl and her husband are doing well. She says she is spoiled. She is. She lives in a beautiful home with all the ammentities one would ever need and more. Cheryl is still the same great friend and I enjoyed seeing her again.
We started out the evening with a few of her friends, margarita's, and the limo driver- I can't remember his name, but we decided he was a total dweeb. Should limo driver's need to know where they are going? It was fun having people stare at you wondering who you are. It was exciting.
I drink on occasion but very conservatively. I was really pacing myself so I didn't puke my enchilada's and chips. After dinner and a another really strong margarita, we headed to a "sports bar". I don't really like bars. Why do people go to bars? To get wasted, to meet strange men, to dance? I like the dancing. We had a good time. I had my first jello shot. I nursed it most of the night instead of "shooting it". I sipped on all kinds of shots. I like to watch the people. I wonder why they are drowning their sorrows in their beer. What are they looking for?
It reminds me of the time I went to a bar with a friend of mine on New Year's Eve. The clock turned midnight and I felt like the only person in the crowded room. Everyone was celebrating, kissing and hugging. It was the most depressing time of my life. I never felt so alone. I guess that feeling comes back to me whenever I am in a bar.
Anyway, we headed back to the house in the limo about 2-ish. It was a fun night. It would like to hang out with the girls ,drink, and ride in limo's more often in the big D. My life could use the excitement. I can't wait for my next trip to the big city!
The original plan was to see Barry Manilow in concert!!!!!! Sounds exciting, doesn't it? My college roommate Cheryl and I used to lay our heads down to sleep as we listened to Barry's beautiful love songs! On occasion I think we would sing aloud to them as well. There is a special place in our hearts for Barry! Well, Cheryl informed me on Friday that Barry's concert was cancelled because he has bronchitis! We were heartbroken, but we weren't going to let him take away from our girls weekend!
Cheryl and her husband are doing well. She says she is spoiled. She is. She lives in a beautiful home with all the ammentities one would ever need and more. Cheryl is still the same great friend and I enjoyed seeing her again.
We started out the evening with a few of her friends, margarita's, and the limo driver- I can't remember his name, but we decided he was a total dweeb. Should limo driver's need to know where they are going? It was fun having people stare at you wondering who you are. It was exciting.
I drink on occasion but very conservatively. I was really pacing myself so I didn't puke my enchilada's and chips. After dinner and a another really strong margarita, we headed to a "sports bar". I don't really like bars. Why do people go to bars? To get wasted, to meet strange men, to dance? I like the dancing. We had a good time. I had my first jello shot. I nursed it most of the night instead of "shooting it". I sipped on all kinds of shots. I like to watch the people. I wonder why they are drowning their sorrows in their beer. What are they looking for?
It reminds me of the time I went to a bar with a friend of mine on New Year's Eve. The clock turned midnight and I felt like the only person in the crowded room. Everyone was celebrating, kissing and hugging. It was the most depressing time of my life. I never felt so alone. I guess that feeling comes back to me whenever I am in a bar.
Anyway, we headed back to the house in the limo about 2-ish. It was a fun night. It would like to hang out with the girls ,drink, and ride in limo's more often in the big D. My life could use the excitement. I can't wait for my next trip to the big city!
Sunday, November 07, 2004
He is a special child!
My son's name is Keegan. He really is a special child? Yes, I know what you are thinking. Every mom thinks their child is special, right? But, I have a feeling deep down inside that he is really special. How special, you ask? How do you measure that? Do you compare all the twelve year olds in the world? Is there a test you can give to determine that? Everything else seems to be tested. His health,his eyesight, his intellect, his creativity, his athletic ability, his reading comprehension, it has all been tested. Duke wants to test him for a 7th grade Talent Search. I really don't know what they are going to find out from a test on paper. I am sure there are millions of other children being tested for that, too.
I think he is very special because of who he is. I think he is special because he is very smart. He's not the smartest kid in the world or even in his school. I think he is special because he respects people and is well liked by adults, teachers, coaches, and kids. I am sure there are other kids like that. I think he is special because he is an all around great athlete. He isn't the best all around athlete out there. He is special because he has a great sense of humor that make me and others laugh. He is witty. He has good common sense. He is special because he loves life. He is special because he has great self respect. He is easy to teach,coach, and instruct. He is special because he is a great friend. He doesn't have a ton of friends. He is special because he has asked Jesus to be Lord of his life. There are a lot of Christian kids out there. Oh, I am sure you could list as many or more attributes of your child to compare to Keegan. He isn't perfect, but he is very special! And there is so much more...... He is a great son! He is a great brother! He is an awesome kid! Okay, yes, I could ramble on and on and on.......
I don't know what is ahead in life for Keegan. I don't know why I have this feeling. I do know God can to do great things with him and will if he will let Him. I do know that I love him! And yes, he is a special child!
I think he is very special because of who he is. I think he is special because he is very smart. He's not the smartest kid in the world or even in his school. I think he is special because he respects people and is well liked by adults, teachers, coaches, and kids. I am sure there are other kids like that. I think he is special because he is an all around great athlete. He isn't the best all around athlete out there. He is special because he has a great sense of humor that make me and others laugh. He is witty. He has good common sense. He is special because he loves life. He is special because he has great self respect. He is easy to teach,coach, and instruct. He is special because he is a great friend. He doesn't have a ton of friends. He is special because he has asked Jesus to be Lord of his life. There are a lot of Christian kids out there. Oh, I am sure you could list as many or more attributes of your child to compare to Keegan. He isn't perfect, but he is very special! And there is so much more...... He is a great son! He is a great brother! He is an awesome kid! Okay, yes, I could ramble on and on and on.......
I don't know what is ahead in life for Keegan. I don't know why I have this feeling. I do know God can to do great things with him and will if he will let Him. I do know that I love him! And yes, he is a special child!
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