Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Life is Good!

I am sitting at my computer in my flannel pajamas and a sweatshirt. It is really cold outside. I can hear the wind blowing. I love the cold ~ hate the wind. I have been sitting at my computer for about an hour or so blogging and drinking coffee. Coffee is good! I hear my son singing "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns in his room. He sings with all his heart! Then I hear my nine year old say "Mom, I am hungry". Of course he is, it is almost 10:00. He is watching Sports Center in the infamous chair (and a half). I asked him what he wants for breakfast. I thought I heard him yell "ice cream". It was my imagination. I asked him if he knows how to get his own cereal. "No!", he honestly replies. I have failed as a mother. He is nine years old, an intelligent fourth grader, knows how to navigate the game cube, takes a shower on his own, and can memorize a football or basketball play in a split second, but he can't get his own cereal! He said, "I can get the bowl." Well, okay! He can get the bowl.

I don't know when I will get dressed. We don't have much to do today. I think it will be a day of watching movies, baking cookies, and just enjoying the warmth of my home with my children. Life is good............


Paula said...

I smiled as I read this post. Isn't it wonderful to be home with your boys and know you can rest in your day and plans and enjoy them?

Have a wonderful holiday, Peg. And thanks for visiting Gracereign.

Rodney Olsen said...

That sure does sound like the good life.

Jammie J. said...

Coffee is good! Have you tried the new Coffeemate flavor "Gingerbread"? I'm such a sucker for flavors. Yumm!