Thursday, November 18, 2004

Amazing Race is back.......

There are only certain times in our hectic lives when all four of my family, my sons Keegan (12) and Logan (9), and my husband Kevin and I hang out together in our living room in front of the big screen. Some of those times in the past have been watching CSI, except those are rare because we are usually at baseball, football, or basketball practice. Other times have been to watch "The World Series", "The SuperBowl", or watching UT play anyone in football. Do you see the pattern here? My world revolves around sports. Yes, I like watching some of that sports stuff..... it has grown on me over the years. That quite possibly will be the title of a future blog post.

But...... Tuesday night the family gathered around the tube to watch the first episode of the new Amazing Race 6. Yes, we watch reality television ,we admit it, and we are addicted to it. Actually, Keegan is the ring leader. Keegan loves Amazing Race and he has brought us all down with him. It isn't a bad show, but I don't think being addicted to a reality tv show is something to be proud of.

We were excited to learn about all the new teams last night. Just a review.... Avi and Joe who the boys nicknamed "the geeks" were eliminated last night. After the boys called them that, I went into the speech that God created everyone special and we need to be nice to "geeks". We all agreed that Jonathan and Victoria , especially Jonathan is going to irritate us and we hope he gets eliminated fast. Lori and Bolo should be very humorous to watch. Logan has nicknamed Bolo, the "Big Guy". Lori and Bolo are both wrestlers. We all felt uncomfortable that the word "ass" was used way too much. Therefore, I gave my speech that there is no reason to use bad words. I am not that thrilled about any of the teams, but I am sure they will grow on me.

For the next however many weeks, Keegan will be discussing the show on a regular basis and telling us his theories on who will be eliminated next. He dreams of the day when he will be old enough to be on the show. He actually suggested that Logan could be his partner. That in itself is pretty "amazing" considering they fight quite often.

I will keep you posted, or maybe you would like to check it out for yourself on Tuesdays at 9 pm. You know where we will be on Tuesday nights!

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