Monday, November 21, 2005

Just a little unexpected quiet time

Last year about this time I was posting about all of the things I am so very thankful for and how I am blessed beyond belief and how Life is Good. This year I haven't slowed down enough to ponder God's blessings in my life. I haven't felt that sweet nudge in my heart, you know the one that comes along suddenly and makes you realize how blessed and thankful you are and brings a small tear to your eyes? I suppose I am talking about God's presence and the Holy Spirit.I know God is always with me and I know that I have the Holy Spirit within me - don't misunderstand. And it's not that I don't feel incredibly blessed for all that God has done in mine and my families life - I do - I just need to slow down, relax, and spend some quiet time with Him.

Since I began work my life has been hectic to say the least. A good busy, the kind where you still have all the various details under control. Weekends are usually for slowing down but very rarely this occurs in my home. This weekend is a total blur at the moment. As I am sitting here typing I can hardly even remember what took place this weekend. Seriously, that is not a good sign!

I do remember last night very clearly. As I was on my way home from doing a Pampered Chef demo (the first one that I have done in a year or so) I called my husband to see how baseball practice went. He informed me that there was "an incident". An incident? "Oh, did L perform poorly at practice?" "No", he replied. "Did you and L have a falling out at practice?" "No", he said again. "Okay, well can you talk about it over the phone?" There was quiet on the phone. "Okay, what happened?", I asked impatiently. Finally, Kevin informed me that while doing infield practice the baseball took a bad bounce and hit L in the mouth.

We decided to keep L home from school today. The whole right side of his top and bottom lip are swollen and cut. It is not pretty. He can't talk very clearly or smile. It has been awhile since either of my sons has incurred a sports injury. One time when K was younger he was hit in the face with a baseball so hard that the stich marks from the ball were indented in his cheek. Ouch!

So, because of this I am home today instead of at work and I am able to catch up from the weekend, put all the pieces of this house back together and ponder about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I am really looking forward to some much need rest and quiet time.

Everyone is blogging about what they are thankful for this holiday season - I am thankful for a few days of r & r with my family (and shopping).

Stayed tuned to hear about my families annual early morning shopping excursion on the busiest shopping day of the year-woohoo!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Sometimes I wonder how we moms can take this whole sports world. When my boys first started playing hockey I was amazed at how calm the moms were when their sons got hurt. Now, I'm calm with the rest of them, although the last time I saw my son writhing on the floor I did have to get up and check on him . . . but he was down a long time!