Just me... Just another day.... with thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, goals....so blessed and ready to share my heart!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
This is my problem!
Today, especially after reading JettyBetty's comment to my post "I will be the perfect wife and mom if I had the perfect husband and kids." it hit me! Am I putting the expectation on them to be perfect? Do I expect them to always understand everything I am saying? Do I expect them to keep a perfect room? Do I expect them to always smile at me and say "Yes, m'am"? To never lose their temper? To always tell me they are sorry? Do I want robot children and a robot husband? Well, it is tempting......hmmmm.....but I think life would get really boring fast! Although, my house would be really clean and sparkly. Oh, back to reality........
Of course their is no excuse for bad attitudes and disrespectful talking back, but I can't reasonable expect for that not to happen every once in awhile because they are human. I just need to continue striving to teach them to be respectful, responsible, God-loving children.
I know that many times I have taken my boys and husband for granted. I have not listened to them. I have been disrespectful. I have not appreciated everything they do for me. I have been selfish. I have been angry. And , yes I will admit it, I make mistakes. The list goes on and on and on........
So....today is a new day. "God puts each fresh morning, each new chance of life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it. " Unknown Author
Thank You, Lord, for this new day. Thank you for my precious boys ,my wonderful husband, and my dirty floors and streaked mirrors!
"Take your everday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him." Romans 12:1
Monday, August 29, 2005
If I was a perfect wife and mom.....
Every word out of my mouth would encourage, teach, and motivate them.
I would always put their needs ahead of my own.
"My breasts be like the clusters of the vine, the fragrance of my breath like apples, and my mouth like the best wine" to my husband. (Song of Songs 7:8)
The boys would always smile and gladly do what I ask.
I would have them trained to always have a clean room, picked up clothes, and clean bathroom.
When I walk in the door they smile and welcome me with joy.
They would graciously accept all of my wise advice and thank me for it.
I would anticipate their every need.
They could eat off the floors, a fresh clean aroma greets them everytime they enter a room, the mirrors and windows sparkle, and the kitchen smells of homemade bread and pies every afternoon.
I would always have a homecooked , healthy meal on the table and they would eat all of it without complaint and thank me for my hard work.
Everything would be put in its place and found when needed.
Laundry would always be crisp and clean, folded, ironed, and put in its place.
Only my love and deeds for them would be enough to sustain me.
I would put the color in their world, a smile on their face, and love in their heart!
Proverbs 31:10-31
Well....... unfortunately, I am not perfect - I will let you know when it happens!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Friday - already?
Are you ready for some football? Are you familiar with the song? ABC always plays it before Monday Night Football. My boys have always celebrated the beginning of MNF by singing, dancing, and shouting along with the song. It always motivates me to sit down and watch a couple plays and then I am off to the other television to see what's on. Did you catch that? I am not a huge fan like the other three in the house.
Watching my boys play football is a totally different story! I really get into their games! Anyway, both of my boys are right in the middle of the testosterone filled, tackling, grunting, sweating, kicking, and running game of football! The cracks of the helmets hitting and the cheers of the crowd - there's just something about it that even excites me! Basically I spent a majority of my week taking L to practices and scrimmages and picking up K from practice! Games will start next week! Go Mustangs! Go Hawks!
I also started a Bible Study at my church. I am doing "From Heaven's View" by T.W. Hunt and Melana Hunt Monroe. I am really looking forward to it. I hope to share some of it with you all as I go along!
My sweet dog Kasey was sick this we

The rest of my time has been at our house. It is really coming along. Here is a picture I took today of the backyard( view from my living room)! Ahhhh the trees............

Monday, August 22, 2005
It is Official
31 days until we close on our house!!!!!
Wow! I am getting a little nervous now! There is a lot to be done!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Luck vs. Blessed
Now when I am in conversation with other people it drives me crazy to hear them use the word luck. I almost always pipe in with my blessed version. Most people totally agree that they are blessed not lucky! There is a huge difference. For example, the definition of luck: The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events. They met one day out of pure luck is the sentence example. I believe when you run into someone at the store or at a restaurant it is part of God's plan. I would definitely say: "Running into my friend was a pure blessing." Good fortune, prosperity, success. I believe if you won the lottery or are very successful in life or business that is definitely God's blessing or plan for your life. To be successful takes hard work which wouldn't necessarily be luck, would it? One's personal fate or lot. Do you believe in fate or in God's Will and Perfect Plan for you life?
Now the definition of blessed is To invoke devine favor upon and To confer well-being or prosperity on.
Well, the reason I brought all of this up is to say that God blessed my husband and I this week. I took my wonderful Honda Odyssey to the shop on Wednesday because our sliding door wasn't shutting properly and the check engine light was on. I also knew that is was time to replace the brakes. The mileage on the van is about 74,000 miles. It is about five years old and has been a very reliable vehicle. We have had absolutely no problems with it. They called me back to tell me that my van's transmission needed to be replaced and they were going to pay for it because the warranty expires at 75,000 miles! Sigh of relief! They are also fixing the door and a couple other things free of charge. Whew! It does bother me somewhat that the transmission would only last five years, but what do I know about the mechanics of a van's transmission. Not much at all!
I truly believe that God blessed us with those fortunate events!
What are your views on this subject?
Besides "Luck Beyond Belief" just doesn't sound good!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Pringles Trivia time
What do butterflies use to suck up the nectar from flowers?
Do you know?
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Home Alone!
I can run through my apartment naked
I can sing at the top of my lungs
I can lay around all day watching tv and eating bon bons
I can blog all day
I can go shopping, get a massage and pedicure
I can take a nap
I can go to lunch with friends
I can sunbathe by the pool
What I am going to do.................
Drive both boys to school
Go running
Clean the bathrooms
Straighten the apartment
Clean the kitchen
Do laundry
Go grocery shopping
Go to the bank
Eat a sandwich
Pick up the L from school
Drive home
Get L ready for football practice
Pick up K from school
Take L to football
Make dinner
It just doesn't sound as exciting, does it?
Hope your day is exciting!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The calm before the storm.....
As I sit here in the quiet I ponder our summer as it comes to an end. It was different but good. It was quiet but fun. Ready to start a new school year. Ready for rythym and routine. Ready for driving here and there, back and forth? Monday will start everything in motion and the whirlwind will begin.....
I think I am ready for the craziness to start........... I need the discipline of routine in my life.
Last night I celebrated a night out with the girls. Dinner and a movie: "Must Love Dogs". I thought it was a cute movie. It made me very thankful for a loving and faithful husband. Tonight we will toast to a another great summer with some good friends over dinner! Sunday we will worship and a take a deep breath to prepare for the big week ahead!
Mixed emotions.......YAHOO!!!!!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Incredible words worth reading
I visited Paula's blog this morning.
You have to read this!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Blue striped shirt day!

We didn't plan this but my handsome guys coordinated so nicely yesterday for church. This is a real treat for me because for awhile L wouldn't dare wear a collared shirt because it bothered him. Now that he has to wear them to golf in he will wear them! Yahoo! We bought some really nice ones during tax free shopping weekend! Actually, both boys made a haul! Although he looks very unhappy in this picture it wasn't because of the shirt ( not really sure why). One thing I have learned: Don't take a picture of Kevin and L when they are looking in the direction of the sun because they squint. It doesn't bother K and I, maybe it has something to do with having blue eyes.... who knows! Being a very dark brown eyed girl, I love having a blue eyed husband and son! There's just something about gazing in those blue eyes!!!!!!!
I am really rambling on today...................................
Anyway, yesterday after church we went to Chili's with some friends. I really love Chili's but we eat there way too much!!!!! I love their Quesadilla Explosion Salad, though. Next time I will take a picture despite what Kevin says. After that we had to go by the house, just because. Well, I am so glad we did because we Kevin and K got to meet our new neighbors who are building next door to us in our cul-de-sac. We are the first two houses being built in this part of the neighborhood and the only two houses in this cul-de-sac. Y'all know what a cul-de-sac is right? L and I had already met the mom and two boys next door but Kevin and K hadn't. And we hadn't met the dad, make sense? Well, both families officially met yesterday. They are such a nice family! I already feel like I have known them forever! So very cool!
Well, it is even more cool if you know the whole story........
I talked about my friend Paula in It's a small small world post. What I didn't tell you is that before that happened we were talking and she said, "I know your new neighbors". They work together and at lunch one day figured out that they were building right next to us. And, my other great friend Mendy knows them as well. So, they were telling her what a great neighbor I will be and vice versa. Because I have prayed continuously about this house and the location and my future neighbors- really- I feel like it isn't a small world but God's plan that we have them as future neighbors! And for the third time I say "very cool".
Anyway, no, I wasn't wearing blue stripes and wasn't allowed in the picture. Although, my blue floral dress would have complimented the stripes nicely!
After analyzing this picture I realize it's not the most complimentary picture of Kevin or L, but the shirts are really nice, huh?
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Apartment Life
1) No yard work .
2) A $12.00 water bill .
3) I get exercise walking up three flights of stairs several times a day!!!! How many calories do you think that burns?
4) A free pool and pool table to entertain my children . We have all gotten really good at pool - even me!
5) Free wireless internet from my neighbor (It's a long story but I am paying for it) .
6) A beautiful view out my patio window - really!
7) Not as much cleaning to do.
8) No decorating decisions .
9) Lot's of friend for Kasey (my dog) to visit with on our walks .
10) Being really close to my family all the time!
11) My boys are becoming more knowledgable about insects (cockroaches).
12) Free bug killing services.
The only one I am being sarcastic about is number ten. Apartment life has been surprisingly pleasant despite the stairs and cockroaches (we have only seen two). It is small but we are all getting along very nicely! Yesterday got to me a little bit. Not much to do around here. Just about everything I own is in a box somewhere (who knows where?). I need something to keep me busy (besides cooking and eating). Ha- everytime I say that my life gets really hectic!
I have no right to complain about anything. I know there are millions of people in this world that have dirt floors and a sky for a roof and no family to hang out with every day. I am reminded again that despite any situation we are in good, bad, temporary, or great that God loves us dearly and blesses us accordingly. Blessings overflowing!
I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessings. Ezekiel 34:26
So... I guess I will officially begin the countdown....
50 more days in our apartment.
I might actually be a little sad to move out - uh, we'll see.....