Monday, August 08, 2005

Blue striped shirt day!

We didn't plan this but my handsome guys coordinated so nicely yesterday for church. This is a real treat for me because for awhile L wouldn't dare wear a collared shirt because it bothered him. Now that he has to wear them to golf in he will wear them! Yahoo! We bought some really nice ones during tax free shopping weekend! Actually, both boys made a haul! Although he looks very unhappy in this picture it wasn't because of the shirt ( not really sure why). One thing I have learned: Don't take a picture of Kevin and L when they are looking in the direction of the sun because they squint. It doesn't bother K and I, maybe it has something to do with having blue eyes.... who knows! Being a very dark brown eyed girl, I love having a blue eyed husband and son! There's just something about gazing in those blue eyes!!!!!!!

I am really rambling on today...................................

Anyway, yesterday after church we went to Chili's with some friends. I really love Chili's but we eat there way too much!!!!! I love their Quesadilla Explosion Salad, though. Next time I will take a picture despite what Kevin says. After that we had to go by the house, just because. Well, I am so glad we did because we Kevin and K got to meet our new neighbors who are building next door to us in our cul-de-sac. We are the first two houses being built in this part of the neighborhood and the only two houses in this cul-de-sac. Y'all know what a cul-de-sac is right? L and I had already met the mom and two boys next door but Kevin and K hadn't. And we hadn't met the dad, make sense? Well, both families officially met yesterday. They are such a nice family! I already feel like I have known them forever! So very cool!

Well, it is even more cool if you know the whole story........

I talked about my friend Paula in It's a small small world post. What I didn't tell you is that before that happened we were talking and she said, "I know your new neighbors". They work together and at lunch one day figured out that they were building right next to us. And, my other great friend Mendy knows them as well. So, they were telling her what a great neighbor I will be and vice versa. Because I have prayed continuously about this house and the location and my future neighbors- really- I feel like it isn't a small world but God's plan that we have them as future neighbors! And for the third time I say "very cool".

Anyway, no, I wasn't wearing blue stripes and wasn't allowed in the picture. Although, my blue floral dress would have complimented the stripes nicely!

After analyzing this picture I realize it's not the most complimentary picture of Kevin or L, but the shirts are really nice, huh?

1 comment:

jettybetty said...

Yep, you need to take a picture of that salad--actually, I just whipped my camera out of my purse and snapped it as honeee was taking his first bite. He just looked at me and said "it's for your blog, right?".

Ever since you did your small world post--I have been having small world experiences--they are so great!

Yes, your guys look great! Looks like the house is coming right along, too!