This is your life
Are you who you want to be?
This is your life
Is it everything you dreamed that it would be?
I am inspired when I hear this song. It makes me want to dream bigger and accomplish more in my life. But I also think about the first forty years ....... Is it everything I dreamed that it would be?
And every single time I hear the song my answer is a big .......
Again, I feel so incredibly blessed that God has taken small, average, sinful me and made my life what it is today! All the mistakes from the past, all the should'ves and would'ves, all the roads not taken - God turned them into lessons learned, awesome life experiences, and incredible journeys! Yes, there are many people I have yet to meet, places I need to explore, relationships to nurture, lot's more laughter and tears,and many dreams to dream and accomplish! All happening while I am striving to following God's will for my life!
And am I who I want to be?
I am striving to live my life following and listening to Jesus! Sometimes it is an hourly challenge for me. Unfortunately, I mess up on a daily basis. I know I have a long road left - forty or more years to grow in the Lord or maybe less. I definitely am not exactly who I want to be, but I am okay with that.
So, do I feel like an old woman today? Am I depressed and sorrowful about being "over the hill"?
I feel alive, energetic, excited about the next half of my life, very loved, blessed beyond belief (of course), joyful, at peace with life, and quite sexy! Don't get me wrong, I said I feel sexy, not necessarily look sexy). One thing I have learned lately is the great advantage of Victoria Sectrets and push up bras! If your chest hasn't gotten droopy yet, you just can't relate! That reminds me of the joy of the child bearing and breast feeding years! Ahh the memories.....
So, my advice to you today which is a title of another song on the radio: Live like you are dying! Don't waste a day to listen to Jesus speaking to your heart, love and cherish your family, and dream big ,spending each day trying to make them come true. If you are not rejoicing each morning as you wake up and at peace as you lay your head on your pillow - do something about it! Now! Make this day count!
It is amazing how a ring at your door bell can change your whole outlook on life. My next door neighbor came over this afternoon and when she left I was in tears. I will tell you about it next week, in the mean time please pray for my neighbors Bill and Diane. And I can't wait to tell you about all my birthday surprises!
Is your life everything you dreamed it would be?