Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Just wanted to wish everyone a fabulous Christmas! I hope you all feel the love and peace of our precious Savior ,Jesus Christ! Happy Birthday, Jesus! Have you heard that Christmas carol, Happy Birthday, Jesus? I love that song and I have yet to hear it this year.

I just finished a short run before I deliver some baked goodies to special friends. I have to run today considering all the tastes of sugar plums that have touched my lips in the last couple days. My boys are out golfing today. That would be a first for them, golfing on Christmas Eve, that is!
We will go to our church service tonight and then out for dinner. Then off to have a long winters nap before the jolly ole man comes to visit. Boy, part of me is sad that Santa doesn't visit our house anymore but the rest of me is sooooo glad. Christmas Eve is much more relaxing these days.

K reminded us that this is maybe the first Christmas we have spent alone, just the four of us, without other family. We will visit other family later in the week.

I want to share this photo of the boys. We went and saw Polar Express in 3D earlier in the week. It was sooooooooooo fun!!!! I cried, of course!

Oh, and one more note....before I logged on to my blog I noticed a story on msn that a woman swallowed her cell phone???? I hope she's okay! If someone called her would you be able to hear it ring? Never say never!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A lighter heart today!

My heart is much lighter today. I was able to talk to my mom yesterday. She was waiting to go into another surgery. She sounded really well. The surgery went good. We think now all the complications are taken care of and she will be able to go home in a few days. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray that no other unforseen events will occur.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Blessed to be Blogging, again

How can I not blog when I have a new Dell Inspiron Notebook (early Christmas present)? It is a must especially when I can write anywhere - in bed under the covers, in the kitchen while I am cooking, in my big chair in the living room while I'm drinking hot mocha chocolate with a huge dallop of whip cream ( one of my favorite things by the way- the whip cream), at Starbucks (I haven't actually done that yet, but I can!) , in the bathroom while I am getting ready for the day and sitting outside on my backporch (although it is a little cold for that today).

So..... I feel led to share how blessed I feel today even though I have a heavy heart.

I feel blessed because (not in any specific order):

I am blogging in my unmade bed in my pajamas at 9:48 am.
I can be home with my boys today even though L is already bored.
I am able to celebrate the birth of Jesus and His love for me!
I have an absolutely incredible ,loving, giving, sweet, romantic, awesome husband!
My oven is working now..... I will share the story later.. and I can start baking goodies.
That I have precious friends that are always there for me when
I need them!
The opportunity to visit with old friends.
That I am somewhat finished with shopping and now I can just enjoy.
That we don't have to be anywhere this week.
That I finally got my Christmas cards finished (and almost mailed)

My heart is heavy because:

My mom is in the hospital this morning. She has been there since Wednesday. She had a new pacemaker put in but the doctors are struggling to regulate her blood pressure and prevent her blood from clotting. She if frustrated because she had been there longer than she thought she would and is anxious to get home. I can't talk to her because there is not phone in her room. I can't visit her because she is in another city. I called my good friend Kim yesterday and asked her to go visit her for me and possibly let me talk to her on her cell phone. I'm not sure if that's going to work but it is worth a try!

Please pray for her! I know God is in control!

Hope you have a blessed day!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just not in the mood!

Hey Everyone! I feel like I am really neglecting my blog. Don't really know why, but I'm just not in the mood lately! Don't really know what to mind had just been blank and I really haven't felt like writing anything at all! Maybe because I have been busy, but I don't think that's it really. I am just speechless, which is actually very odd for me.

I miss you all! I will be checking in with all of you to see what is going on in your worlds.... and eventually I will be blog worthy again quite soon!

The one thing that I do want to share with you is something I heard at our church Christmas program:

This Christmas, think of what gift you can give Jesus - He has already given us everything we need!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Cute gift ideas!

We had friends over last weekend and they brought us this cute "Smore Maker"(pictured on the left) for the kids to make smores. It is so much fun for any age children (including me). You actually toast the marshmallow over a small open flame- Yum. I love toasted marshmallows. I decided to buy one for our new neighbors for Christmas. I found it at Sears Grand for $19.99. Don't tell me if you find it cheaper....

I bought a "Fondue Pot" because I have been wanting to "fondue". I made a great Swiss Cheese fondue recipe that everyone loved. But of course I can't wait to melt chocolate in it -double yum!!

I think both of these would make great little gifts, don't you?

Gobble Gobble Gobble -
Happy Turkey Day!

Got any great gift ideas to share?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just a little unexpected quiet time

Last year about this time I was posting about all of the things I am so very thankful for and how I am blessed beyond belief and how Life is Good. This year I haven't slowed down enough to ponder God's blessings in my life. I haven't felt that sweet nudge in my heart, you know the one that comes along suddenly and makes you realize how blessed and thankful you are and brings a small tear to your eyes? I suppose I am talking about God's presence and the Holy Spirit.I know God is always with me and I know that I have the Holy Spirit within me - don't misunderstand. And it's not that I don't feel incredibly blessed for all that God has done in mine and my families life - I do - I just need to slow down, relax, and spend some quiet time with Him.

Since I began work my life has been hectic to say the least. A good busy, the kind where you still have all the various details under control. Weekends are usually for slowing down but very rarely this occurs in my home. This weekend is a total blur at the moment. As I am sitting here typing I can hardly even remember what took place this weekend. Seriously, that is not a good sign!

I do remember last night very clearly. As I was on my way home from doing a Pampered Chef demo (the first one that I have done in a year or so) I called my husband to see how baseball practice went. He informed me that there was "an incident". An incident? "Oh, did L perform poorly at practice?" "No", he replied. "Did you and L have a falling out at practice?" "No", he said again. "Okay, well can you talk about it over the phone?" There was quiet on the phone. "Okay, what happened?", I asked impatiently. Finally, Kevin informed me that while doing infield practice the baseball took a bad bounce and hit L in the mouth.

We decided to keep L home from school today. The whole right side of his top and bottom lip are swollen and cut. It is not pretty. He can't talk very clearly or smile. It has been awhile since either of my sons has incurred a sports injury. One time when K was younger he was hit in the face with a baseball so hard that the stich marks from the ball were indented in his cheek. Ouch!

So, because of this I am home today instead of at work and I am able to catch up from the weekend, put all the pieces of this house back together and ponder about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I am really looking forward to some much need rest and quiet time.

Everyone is blogging about what they are thankful for this holiday season - I am thankful for a few days of r & r with my family (and shopping).

Stayed tuned to hear about my families annual early morning shopping excursion on the busiest shopping day of the year-woohoo!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Live like you are dying!

"Live like you were dying" .... Have you heard the song? I have been doing a lot of radio station flipping lately and have come across this song a couple of time. A good song and a great concept.

Do you live each day like you are dying? In other words, do you live each day like it was your very last one? No tomorrow to do better and be nicer. No tomorrow to get this and that done. No tomorrow to tell that person you are sorry and how much they mean to you. No tomorrow to get it right with God. You get the point, right?

What would your last day be like? I would hope to have about a couple months to prepare. Most people don't have that luxury. In Tim McGraw's song the dying man decides to be a better husband and friend, took the time to go fishing with his dad, read the Bible, analyzed how he could live a better life, went sky diving, mountain climbing ,and loved deeper and spoke sweeter.

I would be making a lot of phone calls and visits or would it just be easier to write everyone a letter saying goodbye and sharing with them how they inspired my life. Of course there are those special people I would just like to see smile one more time - hug one more time - laugh with one more time.

Yes, I would love to go sky diving and explore Germany and Hawaii. I would walk barefoot on the beach and ski in the mountains one more time. I wouldn't be too busy to play ball with my sons or invite friends over for dinner. I wouldn't waste my time in front of the television. And I wouldn't want to be working because I would be too busy getting everything else accomplished.

I would spend every single priceless last second with my husband, children, and family. And, last but definitely not least, I would want to be in constant communication with God and reading His Word.

So again I ask you, "Do you live each day like you are dying?" Is it really possible? I want to spend all my time with God but what about all the daily life distractions? We can strive to better our relationship with Him each day. Is it realistic to see all the special people from my past one last time before I die? I try to keep in touch with most of them by phone or email and hope that I can see them again one day.

Realistically, I think all we can do is strive each day to be the best we can be to everyone we love and to our neighbors on this earth. I think sometimes we just need a reminder that our lives could end sooner than we think.

What would you do?

Friday, November 11, 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005

I am so excited!!!!!!

Those who know me well won't be surprised that "I am excited"! I use to sing that song quite a bit: "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it." And I am a very exciteable person meaning it doesn't take much to get me there.

As I was driving home from my new job on Friday ,I definitely was very excited. I am thrilled to be working and earning a paycheck. It is good to be doing something different and to have some new responsibilities. The hours are perfect even though my husband continues to tease me about not working 8-5 Monday - Friday. The work is easy and might get a little mundane, but I am not complaining!!!!!

Although my week is going to be insanely busy, it helps me to be a little more organized because I have to be. No time for laziness!

God is good! All the time!
I hope your week is good!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I can't remember the last time I.........

I am starting a part-time temporary job tomorrow at a local accounting firm. I can't remember the last time I worked a "real" job. I have had my own business as a Pampered Chef Consultant going on seven years but I haven't been working very hard at that lately.

I am looking forward to dressing up and going to work tomorrow. It should be very interesting. My boss is really hot! Oh, I mean really nice. So, I will be working a few days a week for awhile. Hopefully I will have some interesting stories to tell (especially about my boss).

I also can't remember the last time I was sick. I never get sick. I just have a small cold but it has been at least two or three years since I have had one. I will survive!

Oh, by the way, my boss is my husband!

Monday, October 31, 2005

No tricks, just treats!

Treat #1

I really like JettyBetty's definition of Halloween! We won't have visitors tonight except maybe the two neighbor boys next door because my whole neighborhood is under construction. Maybe we will spy a black cat or a skunk crossing the street. L will go out and about with friends in another neighborhood. He has always hated dressing up for Halloween so I'm not quite sure what he will be tonight. He says "James Bond." We will see.......

Treat #2

We had a really nice weekend. My mom and uncle came to visit and got the official tour of our new home. We did the touristy stuff on Saturday. Here are the boys with my mom before our "Duck Tour". It is a very fun, informative tour of downtown Austin. The Duck drives around and then you proceed directly into Lake Austin. It is a very strange feeling driving into the lake. After the tour we went to visit the bats that live under Congress bridge. There are millions of them literally - great activity right before Halloween!

Treat #3

As we were waiting for the tour we browsed around the Visitors Bureau store. My son K that is wearing his UT shirt in the picture wants a Hook 'em Horns room. For those of you who don't know it is University of Texas Longhorns. There was a UT poster on the wall in the store. I asked the sales clerk if they had any for sale. She came out of the back with one and told me we could have it for FREE! It was priced $30! We were thrilled! It is a picture of the UT Tower lit orange!
Treat #4

And last but definitely not least is the extent of my free halloween decorating: A real spooky spider and large web conveniently located on my front porch window!

Treat #5

The weather has been absolutely marvelous lately! Perfect autumn weather!

Hope your day is also filled with lots of fabulous treats!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


You all know that I am a pack rat. Well, moving has motivated me to go through some boxes that have been around for a very long time. Three of those boxes housed my precious Panda Bear Collection!

When I was young I collected Panda Bears! If I remember correctly it began when I was in third grade and I did a report on Pandas. For about twelve years I collected with the help of my dad. When I got married the collection was boxed up and put in the attic of our first home. When the boys were babies some of the pandas appeared as nursery decor. We moved in 1996 and the boxes resided in our attic for the nine years we lived there. And that brings us to present day.

I have a dilema! I don't know what to do with my precious pandas! I just can't "bear" to give it all away! I need your help and advice! I am a little embarrassed that I am 40 years old and still loving my pandas!

What should I do with my collection?

Kim says give them away. My husband just keeps his mouth shut-smart, huh?


Friday, October 21, 2005

Running with Barry!

I had a inspiring run with Barry this morning at my favorite place! My friend Karen gave me Barry Manilow 2 Nights Live cd for my 40th birthday (one of my best gifts, I might add). And just now folks as I was pulling out the cd case to share the info with you I realized something exciting: There are two cd's because it is 2 nights live! I have only been listening to the first night live. And what a night it is! I get chills just imagining if I was sitting in that audience with Barry, or on stage with him ( I can dream, right?) I have one more night to listen to!!! Woo Hoo! I am popping it in my computer right now!

Anyway, if you didn't already know I am a huge Barry fanatic. Well, fanatic might be too strong a word.... I don't obsess about him... but I do love his music very dearly and have felt this way almost all my life. As I was running this morning listening I was contemplating whether I really "love" Barry himself. On the cd someone from the crowd yells out "I love you" to him and he says " I love you, too" back. And it made me think about that concept of "loving" a famous person that you really don't know personally but feel like I do. Oops, I have gotten a little off the subject......
It was a glorious morning running with the sweet sounds of Barry in my ear, a cool autumn breeze on my face, and tree leaves falling all around. I never get tired of his music. It inspires me, makes me smile, brings tears to my eyes, and touches my heart! Some of my favorites: Mandy, Even Now, This One's For You, Looks Like We Made It, Can't Smile Without You, I Made It Through The Rain, Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again, Somewhere Down The Road.... I love them all!

I realized that he is now performing in Las Vegas and we will be there next year - guess which show my husband and I will be attending?

Okay, enough about Barry....

Who's music do you adore?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What is a topiary..... sons asked........

Anyway, here is one that Kim made for my house. I'm not too keen with the candles on the side, but the topiary is beautiful, isn't it?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It was a fab weekend!

Yesterday morning I was dragging with big ole bags under my forty year old eyes. Staying up all hours of the night doesn't agree with me now that I am an old lady. The weekend was fast and furious but extremely productive!

I picked Kim up from the airport Thursday around 11-ish. We immediately hit the stores on the way home and we shopped and decorated continuously except for eating and sleeping until Sunday about 3-ish.

I am ecstatic about the work we accomplished!

Here is my favorite, our master bath:

Wah Lah! Cool, huh?

I will post more later in the week!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

An exciting weekend ahead!

I will be very busy this weekend because one of my best friends Kim is coming to visit tomorrow. She has been my friend forever and she is my personal decorator! She is THE best friend and decorator a girl could ever have! This will be her third official decorating assignment. The first was in my old house. The second was to help me pick out colors for my new house. And now she will assist me in arranging and picking out deco for the new house. I am absolutely helpless without her! So..... for the next four days we will be shopping, arranging, laughing, and crying (we always cry for some reason or another when we're together). I can't wait! !!!!!!!!

I wanted to post some before pictures of the house and then next week I will post what we actually accomplished. Our main focus this weekend is:

1) the kitchen

2) three bathrooms (the guest bathroom not pictured)

3) dining room (sorry no picture)

4) living room

I will update you next week!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Our neighborhood is going to pot!

As I sit at my computer this is my view out the window to the front of my house. All day long trucks pull up in our cul-de-sac and stop here to use the facilities. Funny, huh?

Do you think it is odd that I have a port-o-potty across the street from my home?

I guess it doesn't really bother me, just makes me laugh. Our home is only one of four new homes in this section. The rest are under construction so there are a few p-o-p's in the area.

I really have some great scenic views from my house! lol

Friday, October 07, 2005

Welcome Home!

The main question of the last two weeks...Are you settled in your new house? But a better question is: Will we ever really be settled or organized? I would like to think so but not too sure!

This week I have been a little anxious about getting things accomplished. We have made great progress but have had some very minor details hold us back. For example, We can't seem to get the trash men to pick up our trash. I have called a handful of times and spoken to the right people and our trash is growing much faster than the new Crepe Myrtle we planted.(Maybe another post about the Crepe Myrtle looking very ill.) Maybe today will be the day? I have also found that my telephone jack in the kitchen is silent. The phone guys are going to have to tear into a wall to find the problem. And then there is time, not enough of it. Oh, and my great inability to decorate has been a frustration....decorating doesn't come naturally to me.

As I work at getting there it reminds me of Saija's post last week and one of my favorite songs called "Welcome Home" by Shaun Groves. See the words posted below.

I love this comparison of the heart to a home. I have been putting odds and ends (mainly alot of junk that I can't seem to throw away) in closets, cabinets , and drawers but in the haste of unpacking boxes some have not been well organized or dusted. Some boxes of miscellaneous items have been pushed into closets. Therefore on the outside the house looks somewhat settled and organized but if you open some doors you might uncover clutter. The walls are bare as well because of my fear of placing a picture in the wrong spot.

I have been a Christian for almost thirty years and thankfully He has swept, dusted and filled up my empty heart but there are still lots of "creaky doors, dusty floors, guilty stains, and empty halls." And I know someday, "in a blink of an eye" , I will be totally renovated in a subdivision with streets made of gold, no trash to be found, and a face to face communication with Him - no dial tone needed.

Do I need to stress about all the details of life or in our home? It doesn't have to be perfect! "Take me, make me all You want me to be". And in our home Lord, "Spread Your love upon the walls and occupy the empty halls". "That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking" "Every closet's filled with clutter. Messes yet to be discovered. I'm Overwhelmed, I understand I can't make this place all that You can."

So, settled or not,"take a seat, pull up a chair, Lord and Welcome Home"!

What area of your heart can Jesus decorate for you?

"Welcome Home" by Shaun Groves

Take me, make me all You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking

Welcome to this heart of mine
I've buried under prideful vines
Grown to hide the mess I've made
Inside of me, come decorate, Lord

Open up the creaking doors
And walk upon the dusty floors
Scrape away the guilty stains
Until no sin or shame remains

Spread Your love upon the walls
And occupy the empty halls
Until the man I am has faded
No more doors are barricaded

Come inside this heart of mine It's
Not my own make it home
Come and take this heart and make it
All Your own Welcome Home
Take a seat, pull up a chair
Forgive me for the disrepair
And the souvenirs from
Floor to ceiling
Gathered on my search for meaning
Every closet's filled with clutter
Messes yet to be discovered
I'm overwhelmed, I understand
I can't make this place all
That You can.

I took the space that
You placed in me
Redecorated in shades of greed
And I made sure every
Door stayed locked
Every window blocked, and
Still you knocked

Take me, make me all You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I found it!

The missing key has been found!

Friday, September 30, 2005

A strange sighting!

I was enjoying the absolutely beautiful nice cool weather we are having - ahhhhh - in my new backyard. I saw some very unusual birds hanging out there yesterday afternoon so I thought I would do some bird watching and picture taking. No birds this morning but I have posted some of the sights in my yard...
This is the beautiful Live Oak that hangs over into our yard....

And then I spied this unusual sight....what kind of critter could this be?

So, I walked over to get a better look..........

Oh, it looks like a half naked Derek Jeter doll? Poor Derek...... but it's just in time for the Red Sox vs. Yankees series this weekend! Sorry about the view! It's a good thing they don't make male dolls more realistic.... or is it? Naaaaa

And one last picture... this our new pet that lives in our front window in our study. What should I name him? Should I give him freedom? The bug, not Derek!

Go Red Sox!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Not lost - just misplaced!

Everytime we have moved, which has only been thrice, I lose something of importance. This time it is a key. I can see it in my mind. It is a key on a miniature pink duffel bag key chain. I have had it all my life. It opens a black trunk (which I have also had as long as I can remember).

I am not quite sure what we put inside the trunk. It was packed when we moved in June from our other house to the apartment. The mystery items inside must not be that important because at this moment I am not missing any other items. Maybe the key is inside the trunk?

Well, I was going to post a picture of the trunk, but I lost my digital camera connector..................

.........looks like I might me searching for things for awhile!

Have you lost something of value?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's quiet.......

It's almost nine. Today is a big day. I will leave in thirty minutes to close on our new home. We will shake hands with everyone, listen, and sign our names by the X probably about thirty or so times. Then we will leave with our new keys, garage door opener and nice big fat mortgage.

The boys are full of excitement today! Kevin says they are more excited than me. I will be thrilled when we are all moved in and settled but until then loads of boxes to be moved.

I can't believe we have reached this moment....... it's finally here!

I might miss this apartment a little bit........maybe.....maybe not!

I pray that God will guide us, protect us, and use us in our new home. On the back porch in concrete I scratched in this verse:

"Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 22:14

Monday, September 19, 2005

Tears and Laughter

Mondays....ugh! Today has been a tough one. I felt like a turtle on my run this morning with absolutely no umph! The weekend was fast and furious but lot's of fun!

Last night Kevin and I watched Fever Pitch with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Falon. What a great little chic flic and guy sports movie all in one! I love a movie that makes me really laugh and it was soooo cute and romantic! I love a good romance- especially in real life! Are there really great guys like Ben out there (well besides my husband)? What a cutie!

Before sitting down to the movie I flipped through some photo albums. K needs
to turn in a baby picture this week for his school year book. Cute idea for the graduating 8th graders. K was the cutest baby ever! One time we were at a Ranger baseball game in Arlington and a lady told Kevin and I that we needed to make babies for America because K was sooooo cute. Scary thought, huh?

Anyway, lately every time I look at baby pictures I seriously boo hoo! Well, especially because I found a picture of Kasey as a puppy plopped right next to K when he was a babe. If I can get my scanner to work I will post it. It terrifies me how fast the boys have grown up! Simply terrifies me! Maybe I just can't deal with the fact that I am getting old. Not sure!

Laughing and crying are good medicine for me! I hope this week finds you laughing all the way. Oh, speaking of laughter, you need to read this post!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Yes, It's almost time....

I am having a hard time focusing lately.....lots of things going through my mind. I have been working on a couple posts but I can't seem to finish them... too distracted. The main distraction- moving again!

Many of you have asked about our house..... we are closing this coming Wednesday- hopefully! We will have another walk through tomorrow afternoon. A week ago we walked through with an inspector. It seemed as if there were hundreds of little imperfections that needed attention.

Everything is ready to be moved: furniture, boxes, storage, utilities, and the four of us.

Patiently waiting on the house........

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cute Story!

On Sundays while I am teaching my sweet girls, Kevin attends a 40's Sunday School Class. During prayer request time this past Sunday, the teacher asked Kevin how our house was coming along and when we will be moving. Kevin answered and then he asked for prayer for our family because of the passing of our sweet Kasey this week. (L and I took it pretty hard.) The teacher immediately announced that he was passing around a sign-up list for meals for us. Kevin and everyone else in the class had puzzled looks on their faces. Everyone was thinking: meals for the death of their dog?

The teacher meant meals for us when we move into our new home! It got quite a laugh from the class. Although the gesture is very, very sweet, I cannot accept meals because we are moving. I know there are others who need help much more than we do. I feel uncomfortable enough in the fact that we are moving into a beautiful home when thousands of people have lost their homes.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I lost my sweet Kasey yesterday!

Two weeks ago I thought it was the end and I was right. I just didn't know how much time we would have left with my precious Kasey.

Kasey was our first baby! We adopted her when she was a puppy . Kevin and I were newlyweds. I'll never forget the day we went to pick her up. She was such a little cutie pie. A couple weeks later I didn't think she was that precious when she chewed up just about every item she could get those cute little teeth on in our house. The joys of puppyhood!

Our first Christmas with her I couldn't bear to leave her at home by herself for the day. She accompanied us to my parents house to celebrate the holiday. She had been majorily spoiled ever since.

I remember being nervous when we brought K home from the hospital because I didn't know how she would welcome a new little being into her space. She sniffed at him and that was all it took. Then L came along and she protected them both just like a big sister should.

About a year ago Kasey became very ill. We spent an outrageous amount of money to bring her back to health. We realized at the time that we needed to cherish our time spent with her!

It's so hard to believe she was apart of our family for almost fifteen years and now she is gone! She was my sweet, precious little girl!

Yesterday was a day filled with lots of tears and sadness.....

It's so lonely here at home without her.....

We will miss you, sweet girl...

Monday, September 05, 2005


If it can be verified, we don't need faith.....
Faith is for that which lies on the other side
of reason. Faith is what makes life bearable,
with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden,
startling joys.

Madeline L'Engle

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

This is my problem!

Yesterday when I wrote " If I was a perfect wife and mom...", I wrote it because I was feeling sorry for myself. I go through these stages every so often when I feel like my children and sometimes my husband doesn't appreciate everything I do for them or listen to me. I feel like I am taken for granted.

Today, especially after reading JettyBetty's comment to my post "I will be the perfect wife and mom if I had the perfect husband and kids." it hit me! Am I putting the expectation on them to be perfect? Do I expect them to always understand everything I am saying? Do I expect them to keep a perfect room? Do I expect them to always smile at me and say "Yes, m'am"? To never lose their temper? To always tell me they are sorry? Do I want robot children and a robot husband? Well, it is tempting......hmmmm.....but I think life would get really boring fast! Although, my house would be really clean and sparkly. Oh, back to reality........

Of course their is no excuse for bad attitudes and disrespectful talking back, but I can't reasonable expect for that not to happen every once in awhile because they are human. I just need to continue striving to teach them to be respectful, responsible, God-loving children.

I know that many times I have taken my boys and husband for granted. I have not listened to them. I have been disrespectful. I have not appreciated everything they do for me. I have been selfish. I have been angry. And , yes I will admit it, I make mistakes. The list goes on and on and on........ is a new day. "God puts each fresh morning, each new chance of life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it. " Unknown Author

Thank You, Lord, for this new day. Thank you for my precious boys ,my wonderful husband, and my dirty floors and streaked mirrors!

"Take your everday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him." Romans 12:1

Monday, August 29, 2005

If I was a perfect wife and mom.....

My children and husband would arise and call me blessed and praise me. (Proverbs 31:28)

Every word out of my mouth would encourage, teach, and motivate them.

I would always put their needs ahead of my own.

"My breasts be like the clusters of the vine, the fragrance of my breath like apples, and my mouth like the best wine" to my husband. (Song of Songs 7:8)

The boys would always smile and gladly do what I ask.

I would have them trained to always have a clean room, picked up clothes, and clean bathroom.

When I walk in the door they smile and welcome me with joy.

They would graciously accept all of my wise advice and thank me for it.

I would anticipate their every need.

They could eat off the floors, a fresh clean aroma greets them everytime they enter a room, the mirrors and windows sparkle, and the kitchen smells of homemade bread and pies every afternoon.

I would always have a homecooked , healthy meal on the table and they would eat all of it without complaint and thank me for my hard work.

Everything would be put in its place and found when needed.

Laundry would always be crisp and clean, folded, ironed, and put in its place.

Only my love and deeds for them would be enough to sustain me.

I would put the color in their world, a smile on their face, and love in their heart!

Proverbs 31:10-31

Well....... unfortunately, I am not perfect - I will let you know when it happens!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Friday - already?

Where did the week go? I can hardly even remember Monday but the days flew so fast! I have had so much on my mind this week and have wanted to sit down and blog about it but I never got the chance. So, before I pick up L from school and the weekend hits like a tornado I will do a recap.....

Are you ready for some football? Are you familiar with the song? ABC always plays it before Monday Night Football. My boys have always celebrated the beginning of MNF by singing, dancing, and shouting along with the song. It always motivates me to sit down and watch a couple plays and then I am off to the other television to see what's on. Did you catch that? I am not a huge fan like the other three in the house.

Watching my boys play football is a totally different story! I really get into their games! Anyway, both of my boys are right in the middle of the testosterone filled, tackling, grunting, sweating, kicking, and running game of football! The cracks of the helmets hitting and the cheers of the crowd - there's just something about it that even excites me! Basically I spent a majority of my week taking L to practices and scrimmages and picking up K from practice! Games will start next week! Go Mustangs! Go Hawks!

I also started a Bible Study at my church. I am doing "From Heaven's View" by T.W. Hunt and Melana Hunt Monroe. I am really looking forward to it. I hope to share some of it with you all as I go along!

My sweet dog Kasey was sick this week. I really thought we were going to lose her but I overacted a little bit. She is fifteen years old and I know she doesn't have much time left with us. She is fine but she spends her days sleeping- that's pretty much it!

The rest of my time has been at our house. It is really coming along. Here is a picture I took today of the backyard( view from my living room)! Ahhhh the trees............
I hope you all have a wonderful blessed weekend!

Monday, August 22, 2005

It is Official

The Countdown has officially begun:

31 days until we close on our house!!!!!

Wow! I am getting a little nervous now! There is a lot to be done!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Luck vs. Blessed

Several years ago I decided to quit using the word "luck". I would habitually say "I am so lucky" or "That was good luck", etc. I thought about it and I realized that it seemed silly to think that my life was just a bunch of good or bad luck. I trained myself to start using the word blessed instead. At first it was a little awkward but so much more accurate. Although when you are playing a game and you win, luck seems to be the better word choice.

Now when I am in conversation with other people it drives me crazy to hear them use the word luck. I almost always pipe in with my blessed version. Most people totally agree that they are blessed not lucky! There is a huge difference. For example, the definition of luck: The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events. They met one day out of pure luck is the sentence example. I believe when you run into someone at the store or at a restaurant it is part of God's plan. I would definitely say: "Running into my friend was a pure blessing." Good fortune, prosperity, success. I believe if you won the lottery or are very successful in life or business that is definitely God's blessing or plan for your life. To be successful takes hard work which wouldn't necessarily be luck, would it? One's personal fate or lot. Do you believe in fate or in God's Will and Perfect Plan for you life?

Now the definition of blessed is To invoke devine favor upon and To confer well-being or prosperity on.

Well, the reason I brought all of this up is to say that God blessed my husband and I this week. I took my wonderful Honda Odyssey to the shop on Wednesday because our sliding door wasn't shutting properly and the check engine light was on. I also knew that is was time to replace the brakes. The mileage on the van is about 74,000 miles. It is about five years old and has been a very reliable vehicle. We have had absolutely no problems with it. They called me back to tell me that my van's transmission needed to be replaced and they were going to pay for it because the warranty expires at 75,000 miles! Sigh of relief! They are also fixing the door and a couple other things free of charge. Whew! It does bother me somewhat that the transmission would only last five years, but what do I know about the mechanics of a van's transmission. Not much at all!

I truly believe that God blessed us with those fortunate events!

What are your views on this subject?

Besides "Luck Beyond Belief" just doesn't sound good!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pringles Trivia time

Okay, I bought a can of Pringles Prints Trivial Pursuit Junior. What a concept! My child can learn as he is eating lunch! So, I just ate the last five because they were too easy but here's one:

What do butterflies use to suck up the nectar from flowers?

Do you know?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Home Alone!

I am home alone all day.................

I can run through my apartment naked
I can sing at the top of my lungs
I can lay around all day watching tv and eating bon bons
I can blog all day
I can go shopping, get a massage and pedicure
I can take a nap
I can go to lunch with friends
I can sunbathe by the pool

What I am going to do.................

Drive both boys to school
Go running
Clean the bathrooms
Straighten the apartment
Clean the kitchen
Do laundry
Go grocery shopping
Go to the bank
Eat a sandwich
Pick up the L from school
Drive home
Get L ready for football practice
Pick up K from school
Take L to football
Make dinner

It just doesn't sound as exciting, does it?

Hope your day is exciting!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The calm before the storm.....

I am sitting in my quiet apartment this morning. It is peaceful. Usually on Saturday morning the television is on. The boys are all doing their own thing. I am cleaning up the kitchen from a late breakfast. This morning is different. Kevin and L are at football practice. K is at a friends house. I went for a run at my favorite place. It always renews my mind and quiets my heart when I am there.

As I sit here in the quiet I ponder our summer as it comes to an end. It was different but good. It was quiet but fun. Ready to start a new school year. Ready for rythym and routine. Ready for driving here and there, back and forth? Monday will start everything in motion and the whirlwind will begin.....

I think I am ready for the craziness to start........... I need the discipline of routine in my life.

Last night I celebrated a night out with the girls. Dinner and a movie: "Must Love Dogs". I thought it was a cute movie. It made me very thankful for a loving and faithful husband. Tonight we will toast to a another great summer with some good friends over dinner! Sunday we will worship and a take a deep breath to prepare for the big week ahead!

Mixed emotions.......YAHOO!!!!!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Incredible words worth reading

I have been in quite a "funk" lately. I just feel like I am wading through the unending days of summer. Not really sure what to do and no motivation to do it. A little lost. A little lonely. A little bored with life in general. I feel trapped. Anyway..........

I visited Paula's blog this morning.

You have to read this!


Monday, August 08, 2005

Blue striped shirt day!

We didn't plan this but my handsome guys coordinated so nicely yesterday for church. This is a real treat for me because for awhile L wouldn't dare wear a collared shirt because it bothered him. Now that he has to wear them to golf in he will wear them! Yahoo! We bought some really nice ones during tax free shopping weekend! Actually, both boys made a haul! Although he looks very unhappy in this picture it wasn't because of the shirt ( not really sure why). One thing I have learned: Don't take a picture of Kevin and L when they are looking in the direction of the sun because they squint. It doesn't bother K and I, maybe it has something to do with having blue eyes.... who knows! Being a very dark brown eyed girl, I love having a blue eyed husband and son! There's just something about gazing in those blue eyes!!!!!!!

I am really rambling on today...................................

Anyway, yesterday after church we went to Chili's with some friends. I really love Chili's but we eat there way too much!!!!! I love their Quesadilla Explosion Salad, though. Next time I will take a picture despite what Kevin says. After that we had to go by the house, just because. Well, I am so glad we did because we Kevin and K got to meet our new neighbors who are building next door to us in our cul-de-sac. We are the first two houses being built in this part of the neighborhood and the only two houses in this cul-de-sac. Y'all know what a cul-de-sac is right? L and I had already met the mom and two boys next door but Kevin and K hadn't. And we hadn't met the dad, make sense? Well, both families officially met yesterday. They are such a nice family! I already feel like I have known them forever! So very cool!

Well, it is even more cool if you know the whole story........

I talked about my friend Paula in It's a small small world post. What I didn't tell you is that before that happened we were talking and she said, "I know your new neighbors". They work together and at lunch one day figured out that they were building right next to us. And, my other great friend Mendy knows them as well. So, they were telling her what a great neighbor I will be and vice versa. Because I have prayed continuously about this house and the location and my future neighbors- really- I feel like it isn't a small world but God's plan that we have them as future neighbors! And for the third time I say "very cool".

Anyway, no, I wasn't wearing blue stripes and wasn't allowed in the picture. Although, my blue floral dress would have complimented the stripes nicely!

After analyzing this picture I realize it's not the most complimentary picture of Kevin or L, but the shirts are really nice, huh?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Apartment Life

Things I love about living in an apartment:

1) No yard work .
2) A $12.00 water bill .
3) I get exercise walking up three flights of stairs several times a day!!!! How many calories do you think that burns?
4) A free pool and pool table to entertain my children . We have all gotten really good at pool - even me!
5) Free wireless internet from my neighbor (It's a long story but I am paying for it) .
6) A beautiful view out my patio window - really!
7) Not as much cleaning to do.
8) No decorating decisions .
9) Lot's of friend for Kasey (my dog) to visit with on our walks .
10) Being really close to my family all the time!
11) My boys are becoming more knowledgable about insects (cockroaches).
12) Free bug killing services.

The only one I am being sarcastic about is number ten. Apartment life has been surprisingly pleasant despite the stairs and cockroaches (we have only seen two). It is small but we are all getting along very nicely! Yesterday got to me a little bit. Not much to do around here. Just about everything I own is in a box somewhere (who knows where?). I need something to keep me busy (besides cooking and eating). Ha- everytime I say that my life gets really hectic!

I have no right to complain about anything. I know there are millions of people in this world that have dirt floors and a sky for a roof and no family to hang out with every day. I am reminded again that despite any situation we are in good, bad, temporary, or great that God loves us dearly and blesses us accordingly. Blessings overflowing!

I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessings. Ezekiel 34:26

So... I guess I will officially begin the countdown....

50 more days in our apartment.

I might actually be a little sad to move out - uh, we'll see.....

Friday, July 29, 2005

Our Summer Vacation

Location is everything! We found this great spot at Schlitterbahn yesterday. I love this waterpark! We arrived about 10:30 am and at fifteen minutes later we were in line for a tube ride. I kept asking Kevin what time it was. "Ten fourty -five " , he said. Okay, we have eight hours and fifteen minutes to play! I just wanted to savor every single second of our one day vacation.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Schlitterbahn. It is rated America's #1 waterpark! I absolutely agree. I love it! Although, Kevin and I just aren't has energetic as we have been in the past. We always arrive at opening, play continuously all day and close the park down at 8pm. We did the same yesterday, but Kevin and I were pooped! I heard Kevin moaning as he was trying to get his bones out of bed at six fourty five. I felt like I had been hit by an eighteen wheeler this morning when I rolled out of bed at nine. But the day was absolutely glorious and worth ever single second of it! If you live in Texas you have to visit Schlitterbahn! If you can, go during the week when it is slighly less crowded.

Great vacation- just not long enough! But none of them are, right?

Monday, July 25, 2005

remember that summer when........

Years from now we will remember our summer as "the summer we lived in the apartment". Other than that I believe it will be "the beginning of the golf addiction" and "the summer I gained ten pounds thanks to Chef K".

Last Christmas I purchased golf clubs and bags for all three of my guys. The boys had been interested in playing and Kevin enjoyed an occasional game in his post marriage years. I believed it would be a great testosterone activity for them to enjoy together. Well, not quite sure enjoy is the right word choice. They are all very competitive in nature so everytime the ball doesn't cooperate in flight they all get a little testy. You ought to see our family outings to Putt-Putt- not pretty.

The clubs really hadn't been broken in until a few weeks ago. Logan attended a golf camp with three of his friend the end of June. He had a great time and became quite knowledgable and pretty darn good at golf. After that he had to use his birthday money that was burning a hold in his pocket on a more improved golf bag, balls, tees, a towel, and a glove.

Last weekend for the first time in the K family history the whole family golfed 18 holes! Well, I golfed about 9 because I just plain gave up considering I have never learned or played in my forty years of life. It was fun, I guess, but very hot, long, and tiring. Notice, I didn't say relaxing! This week L is playing in a jr golf tournament. Not really sure how that will go - w'ell see!

The real problem I have is K! He has been cooking and baking all summer! Oh, yes, it really is a good thing. The problem is while he is cooking, I am eating and eating and eating! Blueberry muffins, grilled chicken, fajitas, brownies, and his favorite creation: Fudge Spoon Pie with ice cream. Oh my! I have no willpower! Now he wants us to have a cook off like the show Iron Chef America! Lot's of fun but lot's of food!!!!!!! It really has been a blast teaching him how to cook and explore some different recipes.

How many more days until school starts?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ta Da.............

It's a little dark (beautiful sunset in the background). The house is bricked, just need to finish the porch (which will be bricked). They have almost finished the bottom floor sheetrock! Yahoo! There will be an end to apartment life soon........ L posing in front of the house. When we were there last night a cute little deer was grazing by our lot! I love it now, but not too sure about when they start eating my flowers in the front yard.
Anyone have any advice on that?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Staying Hot, Baby!!!!!

Well, again I am hanging out at camp all week with my girls and K & L! We are having a blast at Reunion Ranch in Georgetown, Tx! I have been exhausted and haven't had alot of energy to be blogging but.....

I wanted to share this Bible Verse with is our theme this week........ and this verse always hits home with me...

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukeworm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth. " Revelations 3:15,16

It is so great to be at camp with the kids and although the message is for them, I always receive The Word as well!

Have a HOT week!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Powerful Song

Tuesday coming home from my morning run I heard a familiar song on KLove.
The song is titled "Held" by Natalie Grant. You can listen to a portion of the song there. I have heard the song several times buy never could quite catch all the lyrics. I ran up the stairs to my apartment and immediately purchased the song and printed out the words. I have posted the words below for you to read.

The song(I am told) is about a mother who lost her child in her arms and two weeks later loses her husband. All day I listened to the song and meditated on the words. I thought about the tradgedies I have encountered in my lifetime. Thankfully, God has spared me from immediate personal tradgedy but I have friends that have experienced it first hand. These experiences have deeply affected my life.

Many years ago a friend of mine from my church in Amarillo lost her husband and three sons in a tragic boating accident. This incident still haunts me today. I still cannot imagine losing your whole family in the blink of an eye. It is incomprehensible. God obviously carried her through. How else could anyone heal from that experience?

Kevin and I had a very special friend named "Tuesday". She passed away in 1995 unexpectedly. She had a heart problem and died in her sleep pregnant with her third child. The last time I saw her was in our OBGyn office. We were both there for check-ups. I was pregnant with L at the time. Her child passed as well. We run into her husband and two children periodically. Life moves on...

The night before last after a day of listening to "Held" I slept very heavy and had one of those very emotionally charged dreams. I dreamt of car accidents, death, grieving, and celebrating life. It was so powerful it jolted me awake around 3am. I laid in bed trying to recap the myriad of events and details and the song played over and over in my head. It took me about 45 minutes to go back to sleep. When I awoke yesterday morning I was exhausted.

I don't fully understand why God allows tradgedy to take place in our lives. I do know that God has taught me some valuable life lessons from the unfortunate events that I mention. I can't even begin to understand what it feels like to personally experience it. I can't imagine how my friend Helen and Tuesday's families lives were changed after those tragic days. Somehow I know the only way they survived was because they were "held" by God's unfailing powerful love, peace, and strength. And I hope they felt His wise "hand open slowly to the lillies of the valley and tomorrow".

I know in the small tradgedies and minute trials in my life I have definitely felt "held". And in everyday life, for that matter. Praise God!

Wow - what a song!

"Held" by Natalie Grant

Two months is too little
They let him go.
They had no sudden healing
To think that providence would
Take a child from his mother while she prays
Is appalling.

Who told us we'd be rescued?
What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?
We're asking why this happens
To us who have died to live?
It's unfair.

This is what is means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.

This hand is bitterness.
We want to taste it, let the hatred numb our sorrow.
The wise hands open slowly to lillies of the valley and tomorrow.

If hope is born of suffering.
If this is only the beginning.
Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?

This is what it means to be held.
How is feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Uncovering God's Little Gifts

I mentioned in "I'm Back" post that I was a counselor at Centri-Kid Camp in at San Marcos Baptist Academy in June. It was my second experience at camp and hopefully not my last. I have throuroughly enjoyed my camp counselor experience mainly because I have had the priveledge of spending five days hanging out with girls! What a treat!
Let me explain: Five days of strictly girly stuff; braiding hair, bows, pink and purple frilly things, hugs, girl chit chat, quiet voices (most of the time), compliments, and all around sweetness. Oh my gosh, I can't even express to you how much I enjoy every minute of it!

This year my special group included: Jordan, Madeline, Mikinzi, Kailey, and Lauren. Got to love all those cute girl names! I enjoyed all the girls and their uniqueness. I especially enjoyed becoming friends with Lauren.

Lauren was a little homesick most of the week and hung closely to me for those five days. Lauren is a beautiful girl. She has long straight golden brown hair, big brown eyes, and a sensitive sweet spirit. She reminded me of myself at her age. Lauren and I ate meals together, walked to worship together, sat by each other, and attended Kitchen Kaos together (one of the daily activities we were both assigned to).

I learned alot about Lauren that week. She and her mom are best friends! Her parents are divorced and she rarely spends time with her dad. He is remarried and has other children. Lauren was constantly putting the other campers before herself. For a third grader, I was extremely impressed with her positive attitude and huge sensative heart.

I really connected with Lauren that week. One of the counselors teased that I had a new adopted daughter. The truth is I would adopt Lauren in a heartbeat. Today I found the sweet little note she wrote to me during that week at camp. It reads:

Dear Mrs. Peggie

I am haveing alot of fun at camp.
Thanks for being there when my mom codn't.
I love that you are my conserier.

xoxo (she drew a cute little heart next to this)

I teared up when I read it and gave her a big hug!

I have missed Lauren. She hasn't been at church in a couple of weeks. I will look forward to talking with her about how her summer is going. We are both excited about her being in my Sunday School class next year. Getting to know Lauren has been such a blessing to me. It has also made me realize (again) that I have real issues with not having a daughter and knowing I probably never will.

I love my precious boys with all my heart and I would never want a life without them but I definitely have a big empty spot in my heart for a daughter. In spite of that, God has led me to the great joy of sharing Jesus with girls through Sunday School and camp. I am glad I was listening when He called me because I would never have discovered His great blessings for me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Good Friends, Date Night, and Rattlesnake!

What in the world could all of these have in common:

We have these really good friends. Their names are Mike and Karen. It is really interesting how God brings people into your lives. We met them out at the baseball fields where we have developed many of our very best friendships! Friendships are such a blessing(tear in eyes). (Sorry, I tend to have these small emotional distractions when I am writing my posts.) Anyway, Mike and Karen have three children. Jon is K's age, Jason is L's age, and then they have a sweet, precious little girl named Lindsey who gives me great big hugs everytime I see her! I am a sucker for little girl hugs.

The boys are really good friends and even though they don't go to the same school they spend alot of fun times together. Fun times include playing baseball (of course), movies, birthday parties, air soft gun wars, swimming, and sleep overs, calling girls, etc...

About once every two months our wonderful friends Mike and Karen invite both of our boys over to spend the night with Jon and Jason. Do you know what that means?




A few years ago when the boys needed a babysitter this was a very nice treat for us! We could have precious adult time out on the town and not have to pay a sitter! Plus, when we got home we could relax and not have to return to parent mode ( wink, wink - if you know what I mean). What a great concept after years of raising our two precious boys. You know, we went many years without really going out on dates on a regular basis.

A year or so ago Kevin made me sign a contract - yes, made me sign it - saying that we would have a night out together alone or with friends (no kids allowed) every month. I thought it was really silly at the time, but it was a committment we made to each other and an important one! For the most part we have stuck with it!

Back to my story......

Sunday night was one of those nights. We made reservations at Hudson's on the Bend. Our realtor gave us a generous gift certificate to this restaurant. Please make note of their menu. This is what I call an "Austiny" restaraunt. I love "different" cuisine. Kevin might coin it "weird". He is a simple guy. But... we had a wonderful meal!

We started with the" Seafood Crepes - Lobster, Scallops, Shrimp, Crawfish, and Crab in Saffron scented crepes with a rich Lemon Lobster Sauce". We shared this - it was good. We were quite conservative considering we could of had" Diamond Back Rattlesnake cakes in a pistachio nut crust coiled atop a spicy chipolte cream". Something in the word choice made me lose my appetite on that one. But, I am sure the rattlesnake cakes are delicious(hmmmmm).

I chose the "Pecan Smoked Duck Breast Shingles with Seared Diver Scallops nestled in Sweet Potato Hash and a Texas Blackberry Chipolte Sauce". It was an excellent choice! The duck and scallops and blackberry sauce was incredible!!!!!

Kevin had the most conservative item on the menu - "The Tejano Surf and Turf. Tenderloin of Beef Layered with Grilled Tomatilos, Jalepenos, and a Big ol' Tiger Shrimp with Melted Pepperjack and Guajillo Sauce". He enjoyed it.

I really wanted to take pictures of our meals when they came out to post for you, but Kevin wouldn't let me, darn-it! Both of our meals were served with a flower and I was wondering if they were edible flowers. I think they were.

Anyway, I would recommend this restaurant next time you are in Hudson Bend! And I recommend trying the rattlesnake (since we were too chicken ((I'm sure it tastes like chicken)) ). Okay, just ignore my punctuation!

Monday, July 11, 2005

The mysteries of my life......

Why do my waffles only cook on one side in my beautiful stainless steel Cuisinart Waffle Maker?

Why are my boys best friends one minute and the next "hate" each other?

Why am I so facinated with lists?

Why do I still feel so young but have so many gray hairs (and all the brown ones are falling out)?

Why do some hand lotions leave your hands naturally soft and smooth and others leave them oily but dry at the same time?

How can my son L go days without taking a shower and brushing his teeth and when he does get in the shower I have to remind him to use soap?

The male species...enough said.

Why is my teenager so cooperative one minute and arguing the next?

Why can't I get my spell check to work on my blog?

Do you have any mysteries in your life you would like to share?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Top Ten Things I would do.....

If I had a whole week of absolute free time (no kids, appointments, commitments, etc...) and endless spending money (that just adds to the fun) this is what I would do:

Day 1) Rent several movies that I have never seen and watch them all. I would have to have breaks in between because I would go crazy sitting all day.

Day 2) Spend the day with a good friend(s) that I haven't seen in a long time! As many as possible! I like to keep in touch with all my friends from the past!

Day 3) Catch up on my scrapbooking. The last page I worked on was K's two year birthday party and he turned thirteen this year. I think this could actually take up the whole week or month or year!

Day 4) Spend the day at the beach relaxing, playing in the waves, snorkeling, reading magazines, taking pictures , listening to the waves, ahhhhhhhhh.....

Day 5) Cook several recipes that I have been wanting to try but never have. Unfortunately, I would probably eat them all as well.

Day 6) Spend the day at the spa with a full body massage, pedicure, manicure, pool, hot tub, etc.......

Day 7) Shop, Shop, Shop till I drop! I thought I might like to visit as many malls in my lifetime as possible!

Day 8) Spend the day hanging out with my husband!

To be honest with you I am stumped at this point! Everything else I have come up with are things that I would want to do with my husband and my children! Some of the previous items I would want to do without my family, but the majority just wouldn't be as fun without them! For example, I would definitely want K with me to for the cooking day. The day at the beach would be quite boring if my fella's weren't with me! I would love for my husband to watch movies with me but I don't think we would agree on all the titles. I definitely would do the spa and shopping expedition alone or preferably with girlfriends!

And each day I would start out with a nice, long quiet time with God and then go for a nice relaxing 3-4 mile run!!

Okay, so the next Top Ten are things you would like to do with your family.......... new or different things that you have never done together!!!!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My Summer Vacation Destination

This is summer vacation this year:

(See picture below)

I tried the new "Blogger Photo" feature but I couldn't get it to work! Hmmmmm? Has anyone tried it?

This time last year we were counting down the days to our departure for our long awaited and anticipated family adventure of a lifetime to the most exciting, fun-filled trip to the place that dreams are made of............

You know, Disney World!

It was so much fun! I still get excited thinking about it! We spent ten days (perfectly planned I might add) at all the glorious Disney theme parks. The boys favorites were Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon, the water parks! My favorites are Magic Kingdom( because I loved the romantic castle fireworks show and the character parade) and MGM Studios (because I adored the old timey characters that ride through the park) and of course Epcot (I enjoyed visiting all the countries). My only regret about the trip is that we didn't get to spend enough time at Animal Kingdom. We needed two full days instead of one! I remember it like it was just last summer! I hope I never forget the great memories. I need to get working on scrapbooking that trip!

Anyway, this year we are antipating the days until we will start the new chapter of our lives in the home of our dreams! The boys can't wait to have their own rooms. K's will be decorated in burnt orange and white- Hook 'em Horns theme! L wants a "high tech" room. I haven't quite figured that one out yet! I am looking forward to gazing out any of the back windows at the forest of trees that line our spacious backyard! I am very easy to please....... I am somewhat easy to please! I think Kevin is looking forward to just seeing our happy, joyful faces when we are settled in...that's just the way he is. He is always striving to make us happy! He sacrifices his own needs for us on a daily basis. Bless you, Kev! We love you! Okay, sorry, I had to add a little teary sentiment to the post.

So, the count down continues...... too many days to number right now.... until we depart on the next adventure of our blessed lives! In the mean time we will explore the dreams right here in our current backyard (well, small back patio) and of course spend at least one day at Schlitterbahn (the next best thing to Blizzard Beach)!

What are your vacation plans this summer?

It will look better with brick, don't you think? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Precious computer time

Well, we are in the sixth week of summer! We have been super busy up until this point- camps - VBS - baseball, etc....
This week.... we have absolutely nothing on the calendar. Do you realize what this means?


My boys are bored! Now what? How in the world will I entertain them this week?

Anyone have any suggestions? We have already been swimming and playing pool in the clubhouse, ALOT! And remember they are 13 and 10! You can't do cute little crafts with them or take them to story time at the library.

This is what summer is all about, right? The lazy days of summer- Sipping lemonade and being lazy.

They are bored!


Because of the boredom factor I have very little time on the computer. The boys computer is down so the three of us fight for PC time! They have both discovered instant messaging! YIKES!!!!!!!!

We are off to the grocery store and Best Buy. Taking my two to buy groceries is not a pleasant experience.
Pray for me!

My next post:
Top ten thinks I would love to do with a whole week of free time!

What would you do?

Hope you all had a fantastic 4th! We did!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Confessions of a Non-Reader!

Okay, if you read my Truth and Lies post you learned that "Reading a good book is my favorite quiet time activity" is a LIE! I admit it! I very rarely sit down and read a book! OOOOOH! Ahhhhhhhh! Gasp! I know, I hear all of you! I have come to the conclusion that many of you out there in Blog Land are huge book worms! I don't mean that in a negative way, but you love to read and you love to talk about the books you are reading! Well, I read. I read magazines. I read my Bible. I read my Bible Study book. Uhhhh, I read cookbooks. I read the newspaper. That's about it!

When I was young I loved to read. I read the whole series of Nancy Drew Books ( and the cookbook). I read many books. Then I went to college. I read some text books off and on. I wasn't very focused in college. Well, I was focused on boys, sororities, socializing, shopping , eating, and sleeping but not on studying. I regret that! Then I graduated and starting in "the work force". Free time consisted of socializing, shopping, eating, and sleeping. Oh yea, and boys!

Then I got married and popped out a couple children. I did read "What To Do When You Are Expecting", and "What To Do The First Year" And, after awhile I started reading the Left Behind series. I got through the first book and half of the second. I have thought some day I would love to sit down and read all the books that I have missed. To be honest with you, I don't know if that will ever happen. Why, you ask?

I can't sit still! I have diagnosed myself with Adult Defecit Disorder. I am very distracted. I literally cannot sit still. I need to always be doing something. If I sit still for to long, I get bored. I can sit through a movie as long as it interests me but that's about it. Scary, isn't it!

Whew - It feels good to confess this to you!

I do love reading cookbooks. It is one of my absolute favorite activities. I can sit for hours looking for great recipes! One time I made the mistake of telling my dad that I needed some new cookbooks. Well, if you tell my dad that he proceeds to overwhelm you with that item. So, for Christmas that year I literally received at least thirty cookbooks. What fun!

So, keep reading fellow bloggers! I will watch the movie when it comes out!

Do you have any confessions to make?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Truth and Lies

Idea from Ashley's blog! So here goes: 8 truths and 2 lies, can you guess which ones are the lies?

1. My first car was a beautiful navy Chrystler Cordova.

2. I have been a Pampered Chef consultant for over six years.

3. I craved tapioca pudding and tuna fish sandwiches when I was pregnant.

4. In college I participated in throwing watermelons in the campus swimming pool.

5. My favorite quiet time activity is reading a good book.

6. My favorite weekend activity is going to the lake and water skiing.

7. I adore Barry Manilow and his music.

8. I have a secret crush on Tom Hanks.

Okay, quess away............

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Five things I miss from my childhood!

Jetty Betty has tagged me so here goes:

Five things I miss from my childhood:

1) My best friend Amy! We would run around our neighborhood barefoot with no cares in the world! Building Barbie houses out of the stereo, making grasshopper homes from grass, jumping on the neighbors trampoline, and riding our banana seat bikes!!!!!!

2) Heading off to Camp Ponderosa! Every summer we would pack up the bus and head to Colorado for camp! Mountains, creeks, campfires, cabins, and boys! Oh, the memories!

3) Late night trips to Albertson's or Dunkin Donuts with my dad! He would let us buy whatever we wanted: candy, chips, soda ,cookies, and lot's and lot's of donuts!!!!!

4) Visiting Oma (my grandmother) in Union, New Jersey! The sights and smells of her home are unforgetable. The green shutters on the window. The coo coo clock chiming every hour. Walking up the creeking stairs. Waking up to the smell of fresh bagels and coffee and Mom and Oma talking in the kitchen! Eating off the current bushes in the backyard. Playing ping pong in the basement! Walking to the market and the butcher! Bus trips into New York City. I could go on and on and on.....

5) Cooking dinner for my family with recipes from my Nancy Drew Cookbook! I loved that cookbook - I hope someone kept that!

I am tagging the following people:


Monday, June 27, 2005

A challenge for you!

Go to my other blog the runner inside of me to see my challenge for all of you! Women of all size, shapes, and ages take part in this every year! Anyone can do it! Trust me! And it is definitely worth it!

Monday, June 20, 2005

What happened to my babies?

Two weeks ago my precious baby boy turned thirteen! I remember just yesterday gazing up at him from the hospital bed. The memory is permanently etched in my brain. The first time our eyes met. His first glance at this strange world and the only voice he knew whispering "Hello, my sweet baby boy." His big brown innocent eyes trying to focus on me. I felt at that instant an overwhelming surge of love, joy , happiness and fear come over me! Yes - FEAR! I was now responsible for loving, protecting, and nurturing this precious child.

Well, thirteen years later and with the priceless help of his father I must say we have done something right! Oh yes, we have made lot's of mistakes in the parenting game. With mistakes comes learning, right? At this moment I feel confident that K will grow to be a God loving, responsible, and successful adult.

I know, he just began the teenage years........ oh, what lies ahead? I have been told that after your child goes through these years you will not be sad to let them go out in the world on their own! I'm not too sure about that!

My other precious son is celebrating his 10th birthday today! Oh what a ten years that has been! Lot's of laughter and tears raising L! Thankfully we have a few years to prepare for those dreaded teenage years with him! I trust God has special plans for his adulthood!

I love my children, as you love yours, with all my heart and soul!

Can we even imagine how much Our Heavenly Father loves us?

Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm Back............

Whew..... the last four weeks have been a blur...... It's a very long story and I hope to share some of the details with you over the next few weeks. I will just say God is definitely working in my family! Whew!

I just returned from Centri-Kid Camp in San Marcos, Texas! My church took 37 third, fourth, and fifth graders for a week! It is incredible! It is my second year to be a counselor. I absolutely love it because I get to spend five days with sweet, loveable, hugable, precious girls!!!! What a treat. I love every minute of it! Well, I hope to tell you more later as well.

I am glad to be blogging again! I hope you are all doing well!

Below I have posted a picture of our house being built! Oooooo - seeing if finally going up is very exciting!

Glad to be back!!!!!!

Do you like our tree? Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005


I won't be around the blog world for a while. I'm not sure how long. Life has gotten very complicating.

Please pray for me! God knows the details!


Friday, May 20, 2005

Corny Jokes for the day....

Laughter is great medicine for the soul!
Hope your weekend is filled with it!

Why did the cinnamon roll?

Because it saw the apple turnover!

What kind of shorts do clouds wear?


Why don't ducks tell jokes while they are flying?

Because they would quack up!

Why did the Banker lose his job?

Because he didn't make any sense!

Have any jokes to share?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I have finally been tagged!

I was starting to feel a little left out here. Everyone was being tagged but me! Thanks for thinking of me , Ashley.
Sorry it has taken me so long to get to it.
Here it is:

Ashley tagged me a few weeks ago and I am finally posting it.

Here are the rules (which you all probably know because you have all already been tagged):
1. Choose 5 (or more) occupations from the list below and finish the sentence for each that you have chosen.
2. Tag three or more people who must do the same.
3. You can add more occupations to the list when you pass it on, but you mush choose your 5 from the list provided by the person who tagged you.
4. Link to the person who tagged you.

Here is the very, very long list (the ones in boldface at the bottom are the ones I have added):

If I could be a scientist...
...a farmer...
...a musician....
...a doctor....
....a painter...
....a gardener...
...a missionary....
...a chef..... architect....
....a linguist....
....a psychologist....
...a librarian..... inkeeper.....
...a professor.....
....a writer......
...a llama rider....
....a bonnie pirate....
.....service member....
.....a photographer.....
....a philanthropist....
....a rap artist.......
....a child actor......
....a secret agent.....
.....a comedian/comedienne....
.....a priest.....
....a radio announcer.....
.....a phlebotomist......
....Paris Hilton's stylist.....
....a movie producer......
....the CEO of Microsoft.....
....a zookeeper......
.....the host of a reality show......
.... a food critic........ a show on The Food Network.....
.....a board game creator.......
If I could be a Crime Scene Investigator.....
If I could be a Romance Novelist........
If I could be a Major League Baseball Coach......
If I could be a Harley Davidson Motorcycle Gang Rider.......
If I could be an Employee at Home Depot..........

Whew - now that that I have written all that here goes:

1. If I could be a ZooKeeper I would hang out with the monkeys,the nice bears, and the talking birds. I would sit and talk to the monkeys for hours and just "hang out" with them. I would want to play and cuddle with the bears. I would teach the birds how to say really funny and nice things to people as they walked by. I would learn how to communicate with all of them!

2. If I could be a Photographer I would spend my life traveling around the world capturing the beautiful people and surroundings that God has created. I would seek out the unique people of the world and try to capture their hope, joy, sadness and curiosity. I would try to capture the sparkle in a child's eyes. I would also want to capture the humor in the world so when people looked at my pictures it would make them smile and laugh.

3. If I could Host a Show on the Food Network I would prepare every recipes that contained chocolate, whip cream, any kind of berries, coffee, liquers, and cheesecake. I would also be labeled "The Plump Chef" because I would be sampling everything!

4. If I could be a Writer I would express the deep emotions inside my heart and soul that I have such a hard time expressing. I would write about the secrets deep inside that I have never shared with anyone.

5. If I could be a Gardner I would create a colorful, peaceful, breathtaking garden of flowers, trees, vines and waterfalls . I would invite the birds, bees, fish and every peaceful creature and and I would sit in the middle of it everyday praising God for His creation.

Okay, now I am going to tag Amy, Hugh, and Lori and "The Person" that reads this blog regularly and has never introduced themself to me! What is your name? Or feel free to post anonomyously, but I would really like to know who you are!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I love this song! I wish I could belt it out like Rachael Lampa!
I am listening to KLove on my computer. It's really cool.
Hope you enjoy the words:

I may never climb a mountain
So I can see the world from there
I may never ride the waves
And taste the salty ocean air
Or build a bridge
That will last a hundred years
But no matter where the road leads
One thing is always clear

I am blessed, I am blessed
For When I rise up in the morning
'Till I lay my head to rest
I feel You near me
You sooth me when I'm weary
Oh, Lord for all the worst and all the best
I am blessed

All along the road less traveled
I have crawled and I have run
I have wandered through the wind and rain
Until I found the sun
The watching eyes ask me why
I walk this narrow way
I will gladly give the reason
For the hope I have today

You've given me joy
You've given me love
You give me strength
When I want to give up
You came from heaven
To rescue my soul
This is the reason I know, I know

I am blessed, I am blessed
When I rise up in the morning
'Till I lay my head to rest
I feel You near me
You soothe me when I'm weary
Oh, Lord for all the worst and all best
I am blessed

Rachael Lampa