Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I have finally been tagged!

I was starting to feel a little left out here. Everyone was being tagged but me! Thanks for thinking of me , Ashley.
Sorry it has taken me so long to get to it.
Here it is:

Ashley tagged me a few weeks ago and I am finally posting it.

Here are the rules (which you all probably know because you have all already been tagged):
1. Choose 5 (or more) occupations from the list below and finish the sentence for each that you have chosen.
2. Tag three or more people who must do the same.
3. You can add more occupations to the list when you pass it on, but you mush choose your 5 from the list provided by the person who tagged you.
4. Link to the person who tagged you.

Here is the very, very long list (the ones in boldface at the bottom are the ones I have added):

If I could be a scientist...
...a farmer...
...a musician....
...a doctor....
....a painter...
....a gardener...
...a missionary....
...a chef..... architect....
....a linguist....
....a psychologist....
...a librarian..... inkeeper.....
...a professor.....
....a writer......
...a llama rider....
....a bonnie pirate....
.....service member....
.....a photographer.....
....a philanthropist....
....a rap artist.......
....a child actor......
....a secret agent.....
.....a comedian/comedienne....
.....a priest.....
....a radio announcer.....
.....a phlebotomist......
....Paris Hilton's stylist.....
....a movie producer......
....the CEO of Microsoft.....
....a zookeeper......
.....the host of a reality show......
.... a food critic........ a show on The Food Network.....
.....a board game creator.......
If I could be a Crime Scene Investigator.....
If I could be a Romance Novelist........
If I could be a Major League Baseball Coach......
If I could be a Harley Davidson Motorcycle Gang Rider.......
If I could be an Employee at Home Depot..........

Whew - now that that I have written all that here goes:

1. If I could be a ZooKeeper I would hang out with the monkeys,the nice bears, and the talking birds. I would sit and talk to the monkeys for hours and just "hang out" with them. I would want to play and cuddle with the bears. I would teach the birds how to say really funny and nice things to people as they walked by. I would learn how to communicate with all of them!

2. If I could be a Photographer I would spend my life traveling around the world capturing the beautiful people and surroundings that God has created. I would seek out the unique people of the world and try to capture their hope, joy, sadness and curiosity. I would try to capture the sparkle in a child's eyes. I would also want to capture the humor in the world so when people looked at my pictures it would make them smile and laugh.

3. If I could Host a Show on the Food Network I would prepare every recipes that contained chocolate, whip cream, any kind of berries, coffee, liquers, and cheesecake. I would also be labeled "The Plump Chef" because I would be sampling everything!

4. If I could be a Writer I would express the deep emotions inside my heart and soul that I have such a hard time expressing. I would write about the secrets deep inside that I have never shared with anyone.

5. If I could be a Gardner I would create a colorful, peaceful, breathtaking garden of flowers, trees, vines and waterfalls . I would invite the birds, bees, fish and every peaceful creature and and I would sit in the middle of it everyday praising God for His creation.

Okay, now I am going to tag Amy, Hugh, and Lori and "The Person" that reads this blog regularly and has never introduced themself to me! What is your name? Or feel free to post anonomyously, but I would really like to know who you are!


Anonymous said...

Great answers, Peg! I really enjoyed reading them. I wanted to answer the ones I added to the list, but I was running out of time. I may go back and answer them later, just for fun. I'm glad I tagged you so you could play along!

As for AI - Go, Bo! He is the best!

As for our health, well, it's improving slowly. The icky details are on my blog, but it's not pretty.

Have a blessed day!

Renee said...

Great answers Peg!!:-)