Friday, May 13, 2005

Panic Attack!!!!!!!

I had a moving panic attack today!!!!! My twelve year son said, "Mom, you need to settle down!" It was quite humorous considering the million times I have told him "to settle down".

Anyway, please keep us in your prayers..... we have way too many decisions to make and things to do!

I will gladly accept any moving advice!


daisymarie said...

When we moved last summer we paid the money and bought good packing boxes. It helped me to not over pack (weight wise) boxes and made it easier to load the truck. It cost but was worth it.

I also retted while I packed. If I didn't think I was going to want it or use in the new house I didn't pack it!

I labeled the boxes well and made sure the moving helpers knew what went where.

Take a breath! You can do this!

Hugh said...


My parents moved this week too. They sold their house in Marshall, packed up, and moved to Georgetown...I think that's in your neck of the woods.

Maybe we'll bump into each other some time when I'm down there.

Happy Moving.


P.S. Does your dad still send you pictures of pandas?

Peg said...

Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! I really appreciate it!