Thursday, May 12, 2005

Just the little things.....

Some of the little things that make my heart smile:

Getting a really good parking space

Hearing an old favorite song on the radio

Spying a deer prancing on the side of the road

Seeing a rainbow in the sky

Running into a long lost friend

When I have a really great hair day

Spotting a cardinal outside my window

When the item I am buying rings up at a lower price

When my children do what I ask without arguing with me

Driving by a field full of wild flowers

Looking at really big trees (it doesn't take much for me)

Having a great run

An unexpected hug from a friend

Reading a scripture that suddenly has a new meaning for me

Marking things off my "to do" list

Spending quality time with God

When my clothes fit loosely

When my husband sends me a really sweet e-mail in the middle of the day

What makes your heart smile?


Anonymous said...

When my 2-y-o says, "I wub you, Mom!" and gives me an "aaawww-eeee" hug.

When my 5-y-o gives me a kiss on the cheek just because.

When my family appreciates a meal I cooked.

When someone signs my guestbook. (Thanks!)

Have a blessed day!

Peg said...

Good one, Ashley! I will add that one too - When someone comments on my blog!!!!!!!

daisymarie said...

Anything Penelope (the grandbaby) does.

When hub brings me home an applefritter....very long precious story.

Snail mail. The real personal kind.

Pizza. And leftover pizza for lunch the next day.

Puppies. The neighbor's husky just had some and they are so adorable.

That nudge of the Spirit reminding me of God's love when I'm just walking through the factory...and I smile out of thanks and love for the opportunity to work!

Peg said...

Yum - an applefritter! Love to hear that story-daisymarie.