Thursday, April 21, 2005

My roses now..... Posted by Hello


Paula said...

I'm not a real green thumb, but I cut off the dying blossoms. I've been told it is better at a v point. Then I feed then a few times throughout the summer with any rose food. I just stand in the aisle at Wal-mart until I pick one that isn't too expensive. :o) You're supposed to trim them in the fall but I trim in the spring (will be doing any day now) because it can get so cold here that they seem to thrive more trimmed in the spring. I don't know what I'm doing, but even that small amount of care seems to pay off. :o)

Peg said...

Hi Paula,

Thank you for your advice. Yes, my roses are very resilient as well. They have seemed to survive all these years without any help from me.