Friday, March 11, 2005

Indescribable Blessings (part three)

I only post "Indescribable Blessings" when I truly well up inside with emotion (or when I am PMS-ing). You ladies understand, right?

This morning I received two phone calls before 9 am. Carol came over this morning while I was taking K to school to look at my door. She is my door stripping , sanding , staining coach! I asked her for advice on my sanding. She called me to tell me I am doing a great job and to instruct me on my next step.

My other friend, Karen, called to tell me that Barry Manilow was going to be on Ellen this morning. She and I both share a love for him. I talked about my infatuation with him in Oh, Barry.

Your emotions are probably stable as you read this, but for me it means a lot when friends thinks enough of me to do the little things that make my day! Both friends chose to take time out of their busy schedules to make these small gestures of friendship! What a blessing!

One more.....

Last night around midnight I couldn't sleep. We were out late watching L's baseball game. The whole evening was hectic - K had a track meet- driving here, driving there. We didn't get home until around 10 pm. When I finally laid down to sleep my teeth and mouth were throbbing because I had been clenching them all evening. I do this at times without realizing it! I know, it's weird and neurotic! My husband rolled over and gave me a neck and shoulder rub-at midnight - and I didn't even ask for it!

What a difference we can make to others by just doing the little things! A phone call, a coffee date, a special card, a smile and a hello, a sincere compliment, a neck rub. One day a friend of mine from Bible Study said to me, "You are just so cute!" That just made my day and I am still thinking about it!

Challenge for the day:

Do something small but special for someone today and tell us about it!


daisymarie said...

I really enjoy doing small things for others...mostly just to watch their faces...they don't expect it. Isn't is sad that kindness, plain and simple, is considered the exception and not the norm. Sigh.

Lori Seaborg said...

Today I let each of the children pick out a plant at the garden center without saying, "Ew, not that one."

It was kinda' nice of me, especially since they planted them in the front yard.

The boys did well, but my daughter planted her strawberry plant in the MIDDLE of the front lawn.

I still managed to keep my mouth shut.

Saija said...

ok, this may not seem like much to you guys ... but i sat and watched this nature program with my husband instead of dashing to and fro with household stuff ... we had a nice little visit as we commented on how this guy built a cabin and i really enjoyed the show too ... so i got a blessing out of it without realizing i would! cool.