Thursday, March 17, 2005

Playing Hooky

As I waited for Blogger to magically appear on my screen, I finished the whole bowl of my really healthy Wheat Chex and working on my second cup of Ghirardelli Chocolate Carmel coffee (dang-that is good coffee). Why is it so slow? Is it my stubborn computer or Blogger!!!!! I would rather be eating a Krispy Kreme donut with my coffee. Is there anyone out there that has never heard of Krispy Kreme donuts? Just curious. I was craving those warm, soft, melt in your mouth, sinful things all yesterday! What excuse can I come up with to buy donuts......hmmmmm... I wonder if they sell them with green icing today? That sounds good, doesn't it, Saija?

Yesterday I played hooky! You were wondering when I would get to that, huh? I didn't lift one finger or cross one chore off my "getting the house ready to sell list". L and I went to see "The Pacifer" with some friends and goofed off the rest of the day! Well, it is Spring Break! It was a cute movie with a surprise appearance from Lorelai Gilmore. At the end of the movie my friend looked at me and said, "Are you crying?" I cry at the end of every movie, don't you? And commercial, right? L wasn't surprised.

Well, I better get to work....... I had a dream last night that our house had two holes in the walls and mice were going in and out. We had two cats that were really hungry but didn't want the mice. And, to top it all off, Hugh Grant wanted to buy our house! Try translating that one!

Have a great St. Patricks Day...... eat a green iced donut for me today!

P.S. Happy 40th Birthday, Cheryl! Do you feel old?

P.S. (again) I guess my spell check is out too, who knew? So, sorry if there are any missppelled words! Ha!


Saija said...

ugh, things are really slow with blogger ... it's not you! they must be working on it????

so you did have breakfast!! :o)

i'm wearing a green top for st. patty's day ... and i'm not even remotely close to being irish! i just love those irish blessings ... chuckle ...

Dreaming again said...

Things have been crazy with blogger for about 2 weeks now.

I found you through Corner Chair, By the way.

I love Krispy Kreme's. I was horrified when they moved to our town, I knew I was in for trouble, then found out they were coming to a street I won't drive down unless I have to and I certainly won't go to get a donut! Not even a Krispy Kreme. So, I've been safe and secure, getting them at church functions but not worrying about over indulging ...
Learned a few weeks ago, they're putting one in right across the street from my pharmacy ... where it is decidedly not busy and we frequently drop off Rx's and need something to do for 20 minutes ...oh boy am I in trouble!!!!!

Jammie J. said...

Hrm. That coffee sounds really good. I must check that out.